Input-output tables and Social Accounting matrices

DIA Agency can supply input-output tables for numerous countries from Argentina to Zambia and also some social accounting matrices. Data for several countries and years have been transcribed into useful file formats and checked for accuracy and consistency. All files can be read with the IO&SAM and GEMODEL PRO software. Small tables are supplied in comma-delimited *.DIF file format readable with Excel, OpenOffice and QuattroPro.


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Algeria, 1974, in millions of dinars at current purchasers' prices
Source: Secretariat d'État au plan, direction des statistiques, Annuaire Statistique de l'Algerie, 1976.
Dimensions: 20 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: c.i.f. and duties. No import matrix is available


Argentina, 1953, in thousands of m$n at current purchasers' prices
Source: Banco Central de la República Argentina, "Transacciones intersectoriales de la economía argentina," suplemento del Boletín Estadístico, No. 4, abril de 1964.
Dimensions: 23 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: in import matrix, c.i.f. plus duties
Exports: trade sector exports include import margins and duties.


Argentina, 1963, in millions of m$n at current purchasers' prices
Source: Banco Central de la República Argentina, "Transacciones intersectoriales de la economía argentina," suplemento del Boletín Estadístico, No. 1, enero de 1974.
Dimensions: 23 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: in import matrix, c.i.f. plus duties
Exports: trade sector exports include import margins and duties.


Argentina, 1970, in millions of Argentine pesos at current purchasers' prices
Source: Presidencia de la Nación, Secretaría de Planeamiento y Acción del Gobierno, Subsecretaria de Desarrollo, "Modelo econométrico sectorial dinámico. Actualización de la matriz de insumo-producto a 1970."
Dimensions: 23 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: c.i.f. plus duties No import matrix is available
Exports: trade sector exports include import margins and duties.


Bangladesh, 1962/63 in 100,000 rupees at current pruchasers' prices
Source: A. R. Khan and A. MacEwan, "Regional Input-Output Tables for East and West Pakistan," Karachi: Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, 1967.
Dimensions: 35 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. plus duty column in the final demand wing. Imports from West Pakistan are shown in a separate column.
Exports: in two columns for Exports to West Pakistan and other Exports


Bolivia, 1958, in millions of pesos
Source: Junta Nacional de Planeamiento, Planeamiento 3-4-5, "Plan de Desarrollo Económico y Social, 1962-1971," setiembre de 1961.
Dimensions: 10 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: c.i.f. plus duties, in an import matrix


Brazil, 1959, in thousands of cruzeiros at producers' prices.
Source: Ministério do Planejamento e Coordinaçao Géral, Instituto de Pesquisa Económico-Social Aplicada, "Relaçoes Interindustriais no Brasil," cuadernos IPEA No. 2, December 1967
Dimensions: 29 sectors plus 3 dummy sectors.
Imports: a negative column in the final demand wing.


Burundi, 1970, in millions of Burundi francs at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau du Plan, Ministère des affaires etrangeres et de la cooperation, "Comptes économiques du Burundi, 1970."
Dimensions: 36 sector, industry by industry.
Imports: in one row, c.i.f. plus duties.


Make matrix
Canada, 1979, in millions of Cdn. dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Statistics Canada, "The Input-Output Strucutre of the Canadian Economy, 1979."
Dimensions: 43 industries by 92 commodities.
Note: The table does not add up to the correct sums because of suppression of confidential data. The tires & tubes produced by the rubber industry were estimated to be 207.8; the amount of the published total use less imports.


Use matrix
Canada, 1979, in millions of Cdn. dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Statistics Canada, "The Input-Output Strucutre of the Canadian Economy, 1979."
Dimensions: 92 commodities by 43 industries. 28 final demand categories are included in the FD wing.
Imports: c.i.f. imports and duties in separate FD columns.
Note: The table does not add up to the correct sums because of suppression of confidential data.


Make matrix
Canada, 1984, in millions of Cdn. dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Statistics Canada, Input-Output Division, supplied on diskette.
Dimensions: 50 industries by 92 commodities.
Note: The table does not add up to the correct sums because of suppression of confidential data. The tires & tubes produced by the rubber industry were estimated to be 385.4; the amount of the published total use less imports. The amount of primary nickel products produced by the primary metals industry was estimated to be 1154.3; the amount of the published use.


Use matrix
Canada, 1984, in millions of Cdn. dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Statistics Canada, Input-Output Division, supplied on diskette.
Dimensions: 92 commodities by 50 industries. 28 final demand categories are included in the FD wing.
Imports: c.i.f. imports and duties in separate FD columns.
Note: The table does not add up to the correct sums because of suppression of confidential data.


Sri Lanka, 1970, in millions of rupees at producers' prices.
Source: ILO-UNIDO Special Fund Project, ILO Research Team, 1973.
Dimensions: 20 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: in rows of imports c.i.f. and import duties. No matrix is available.


Chile, 1977, in thousands of pesos at purchasers' prices.
Source: Presidencia de la República, Oficina de Planificación Nacional, "Matriz de insumo-producto de la economía chilena, 1977," Santiago de Chile: 1980.
Dimensions: 67 sectors industry by industry plus a dummy sector.
Imports: matrix c.i.f.


China, People's Republic, in billions of yuan at current prices.
Source: World Bank, "China, economic structure in international perspective," Washington, DC, 1985, Table C.1, page 54.
Dimensions: 16 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: in a final demand column
Compiled under the Material Production System.


China, People's Republic, in billions of yuan at current prices.
Source: World Bank, "China, economic structure in international perspective," Washington, DC, 1985, Table C.2, pages 55-56.
Dimensions: 23 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: in a final demand column
The above MPS table restated under the international System of National Accounts.


Colombia, 1956, in millions of pesos.
Source: Departamento de Planeación y Servicios Técnicos de Colombia, "Cuadro de insumo-producto, 1956."
Dimensions: 37 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: in an import matrix.


Congo, 1967, in millions of CFA Francs at purchasers' prices.
Source: Coordination générale des services de planification, Mission de planification, Sedes, "Tableau d'échanges industriels"; Congo, 1967.
Dimensions: 20 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. and duties in 2 final demand columns.


Ecuador, 1986, in millions of sucres at current producers' prices.
Source: Banco Central del Ecuador, División Técnica, "Cuentas Nacionales del Ecuador (1977-1986)," No. 9, 1987.
Dimensions: 33 sectors, commodity by industry.
Imports: No import matrix is available.
Note: labor income and operating surplus of sector 2 include value added in sectors 1 and 3.


Egypt, 1973, in thousands of Egyptian pounds at producers' prices.
Source: Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, Cairo.
Dimensions: 24 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: column in the final demand wing.


Fiji, 1972, in thousands of Fiji dollars at basic values.
Source: Bureau of Statistics, "An Input-Output Table for Fiji, 1972," Suva 1974.
Dimensions: 23 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: input row c.i.f.


Federal Republic of Germany, 1980, in DM millions at producers' prices.
Source: Statistical Office of the European Communities, "National Accounts ESA: Input-Output Tables 1980," Cat. No. CA-46-86-743-2A-C, Luxemburg 1986, pp. 122-136, corrected figures for industry B590 by DIA Inc.
Dimensions: 44 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: c.i.f. incl. duties in imports matrix and final demand columns. Valuation: producers' price excluding value added tax. Non-deductible value added tax is shown in a separate row.


Federal Republic of Germany, 1984, in DM millions at producers' prices.
Source: Statistisches Bundesamt, Statistisches Jahrbuch 1988 für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Stuttgart und Mainz: W. Kohlhammer Verlag Gmbh, August 1988, Table 23.23.2
Dimensions: 12 sectors, commodity by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. incl. duties in final demand column. Valuation: producers' price excluding value added tax. Non-deductible value added tax is shown in a separate row.


Ghana, 1968, in millions of cedis at producers' prices.
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics of Ghana.
Dimensions: 37 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. incl. duties in final demand column.


Guatemala, 1971, in Quetzales, at producers' prices.
Source: Centro de Estudios Centroamericanos de Integración y Desarrollo, "Relaciones económicas intersectoriales: matrices de insumo-producto de Guatemala, año 1971," Guatemala, January 1978.
Dimensions: 45 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: in one intermediate input row including duties.


Haiti 1975/76, in millions of gourdes at purchasers' prices.
Source: Institut Haïtien de Statistique, "Comptes Nationaux 1975/76," Port- au-Prince.
Dimensions: 20 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: in an import matrix c.i.f. with import duties in a separate row.


India, 1973/74, in millions of rupees at producers' prices.
Source: New Delhi, Statistical Office, "Input-Output Transaction Table, 1973/74," 33-1239 Statistics (80), pp. 192-204.
Dimensions: 60 sectors, commodity by industry.
Imports: in a final demand column


Ireland, 1968, in millions of Irish Punt at producer prices.
Source: E. W. Henry, Irish Input-Output Structures, 1964 and 1968, Economic and Social Research Institute, November 1972.
Dimensions: 33 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: in a final demand column and a row of "similar imports."


Ireland, 1975, in millions of Irish Punt at producer prices.
Source: Central Statistical Office
Dimensions: 40 sectors, industry by industry. Production and processing of radioactive materials had been suppressed.
Imports: in the rows.


Ireland, 1985, in millions of Irish Punt at producer prices.
Source: Central Statistical Office
Dimensions: 39 sectors, industry by industry. Products of coking and Production and processing of radioactive materials had been suppressed.
Imports: in the rows.


Israel, 1975/76, in millions of Israeli £ at current prices.
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, "Statistical Abstract of Israel, 1980," No. 31, Table VI/14.
Dimensions: 31 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: imports c.i.f row and rows of duties and import taxes.
Note: Labor income includes imputed income of non-employees. Indirect taxes differ from national accounts totals by inclusion of estimated, discriminatory margins charged by government monopolies. Other value added is correspondingly lower than the national accounts figure.


Côte d'Ivoire, 1976, in millions of CFA francs at producers' prices.
Source: Ministère de l'économie, des finances et du Plan, Direction de la Statistique, "Comptes de la nation, 1976,"
Dimensions: 31 sectors, commodity by industry plus 2 dummy sectors.
Imports: imports c.i.f. and duties in input rows.


Japan, 1980, in millions of ¥ at current producers' prices.
Source: Bank of Japan, "Economic Statistics Annual 1985," March 1986.
Dimensions: 72 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: c.i.f. column in the final demand wing.
Note: the table on diskette differs from the published Source in its treatment of consumption outside households. This consumption that Japanese practice treats as a value added and final demand was moved into the intermediate transactions quadrant in conformity with UN SNA.


Japan, 1985, in millions of ¥ at current producers' prices.
Source: Bank of Japan, "Economic Statistics Annual 1988," March 1989.
Dimensions: 29 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: c.i.f. column in the final demand wing.
Note: the table on diskette differs from the published Source in its treatment of consumption outside households This consumption that Japanese practice treats as a value added and final demand was moved into the intermediate transactions quadrant in conformity with UN SNA.


Kenya, 1967, in thousands of Kenyan pounds at producers' prices.
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, "Input-Output Tables for Kenya, 1967," Nairobi: 1972.
Dimensions: 28 sectors and two dummies, industry by industry.
Imports: in an import matrix c.i.f. plus duties.
Note: treatment of dummy inputs involves double-counting "corrected" by negative entries in the household consumption column. Consumption includes changes in stocks.


Kenya, 1971, in thousands of Kenyan pounds at producers' prices.
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, "Input-Output Tables for Kenya, 1971," Nairobi: 1976.
Dimensions: 28 sectors and two dummies, industry by industry.
Imports: in an import matrix c.i.f. plus duties.
Note: treatment of dummy inputs involves double-counting "corrected" by negative entries in the household consumption column. Consumption includes changes in stocks.


Kenya, 1976, in thousands of Kenyan pounds at producers' prices.
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics, "Input-Output Tables for Kenya, 1976," Nairobi: 1979.
Dimensions: 35 sectors and two dummies, industry by industry.
Imports: in an import matrix c.i.f. plus duties.
Note: treatment of dummy inputs involves double-counting "corrected" by negative entries in the household consumption column. Consumption includes changes in stocks.


Kenya SAM, 1976, in millions of Kenyan pounds at producers' prices.
Source: Jan Vandemoortele, Social Accounting Matrix: A Tool for socio- economic planning and analysis, mimeo., ILO, Geneva, 1987, p. 74.
Dimensions: 36 accounts in ten modules.


South Korea, 1975, in hundreds of millions of Won at producers' prices.
Source: Bank of Korea, "1975 Input-Output Tables," Seoul, 1978.
Dimensions: 60 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: in import matrix c.i.f. plus duties.


Madagascar, 1973, in millions of Malagasy francs at producers' prices.
Source: Institut national de la statistique et de la recherche économique
Dimensions: 30 sectors, commodity by industry.
Imports: import matrix c.i.f. plus duties.


Malta, 1971, in tens of thousands of Maltese pounds at producers' prices.
Source: Central Office of Statistics, "National Accounts of the Maltese Island"
Dimensions: 24 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. in one row.


Mexico, 1970, in millions of pesos at producers' prices.
Source: Banco de México and UNDP, "Matriz de insumo-producto de México, 1970."
Dimensions: 24 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: import matrix c.i.f. plus duty.


Morocco, 1975, in millions of Dirhams at producers' prices.
Dimensions: 33 sectors plus a dummy sector, industry by industry.
Imports: In final demand columns of imports c.i.f., duties, special taxes and import subsidies.


Netherlands SAM, 1981, in million guilders.
Source: S. I. Cohen and J. M. C. Tuyl, Growth and equity effects of changing demographic structures in the Netherlands, Economic Modelling, Jan. 1991, pages 3-15.
Dimensions: 30 accounts


Nicaragua, 1974, in millions of córdobas at producers' prices.
Source: Banco Central de Nicaragua, "Matriz de insumo-producto de Nicaragua 1974," Managua, D. N., February 1979.
Dimensions: 38 sectors plus one dummy, industry by industry.
Imports: to intermediate import rows.


Papua New Guinea, 1972, in thousands of Kina at purchasers' prices.
Source: Institute of Apllied Social and Economic Research of Papua New Guinea, "An input-output matrix for Papua New Guinea 1972-1973, Monograph 5."
Dimensions: 20 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: Rows of imports c.i.f. and import duties. An import matrix is available.


Peru, 1955, in thousands of soles.
Source: United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America, "Análisis y proyecciones del desarrollo económico, VI, El desarrollo industrial del Perú," E/CN/.12/493.
Dimensions: 20 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. plus duties, in an import matrix.


Peru, 1968, in thousands of soles.
Source: Instituto Nacional de Planificación, "Proyecto de insumo-producto 1968 hacia la incorporación de los modelos interindustriales a las técnicas de planificación nacional," Lima, 1971.
Dimensions: 34 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: c.i.f. plus duties, in an import matrix.
Note: published figures in the cells do not add up to row and column totals.


Philippines, 1974, in thousands of pesos at producers' prices.
Source: National Economic and Development Authority, National Census and Statistics Office, "Interindustry (Input-Output) Accounts of the Philippines," Manila, 1974.
Dimensions: 61 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: In a final demand column.


Philippines, 1990, in millions of pesos at purchasers' prices
Source: National Economic and Development Authority and National Statistical Office, Manila.
Dimensions: 157 accounts including commodity by industry Make and Use.


Make matrix
Québec, 1979, in millions of Cdn. dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Statistics Canada, Input-Output Division.
Dimensions: 43 industries by 58 commodities.
Note: The table does not add up to the correct sums because of suppression of confidential data.


Use matrix
Québec, 1979, in millions of Cdn. dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Statistics Canada, Input-Output Division, supplied on diskette.
Dimensions: 58 commodities by 43 industries. 26 final demand categories are included in the FD wing.
Imports: c.i.f. imports cum duty in separate FD columns for foreign and interprovincial trade.
Note: The table does not add up to the correct sums because of suppression of confidential data.


Indonesia, 1975, in millions of Rupiahs at producers' prices.
Source: Biro Pusat Statistik, "Tabel Input-Output Indonesia, 1975," Vol. I, Statistik Pendapatan Nasional, Jakarta, Dec. 1978.
Dimensions: 66 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: imports c.i.f., duties and taxes in negative F.D. columns.


Indonesia, 1995, transactions in domestic goods, in millions of Rupiahs at producers' prices.
Source: Biro Pusat Statistik, "Tabel Input-Output Indonesia, 1995," Vol. I, Table 3, Jakarta, March 1998.
Dimensions: 66 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: imports c.i.f. plus duties and taxes in a value-added row.


Indonesia, 1995, total transactions in millions of Rupiahs at producers' prices.
Source: Biro Pusat Statistik, "Tabel Input-Output Indonesia, 1995," Vol. I, Table 2, Jakarta, March 1998.
Dimensions: 66 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: imports c.i.f., duties and taxes in negative F.D. columns.


Indonesia, 1995, total transactions in millions of Rupiahs at purchasers' prices.
Source: Biro Pusat Statistik, "Tabel Input-Output Indonesia, 1995," Vol. I, Table 1, Jakarta, March 1998.
Dimensions: 66 sectors, commodity by commodity.
Imports: imports c.i.f., duties and taxes in negative F.D. columns.


Indonesia, Social Accounting Matrix, 1995, in billions of Rupiahs at purchasers' prices.
Source: Biro Pusat Statistik, "Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi, 1995," Tables 3 and 6, Jakarta, March 1998.
Dimensions: 109 accounts and employment of 16 categories of labor.
Imports: imports c.i.f., duties and taxes in negative F.D. columns.


Rwanda, 1970, in thousands of Rwanda francs at producers' prices.
Source: Tableau général Contrats, ResSources - Emplois 1970
Dimensions: 11 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: in one input row.


Senegal, 1959, in thousands of millions of CFA francs at producers' prices.
Source: Ministère de l'économie et des finances, Direction de la statistique, "Tableau d'échanges interindustriels -- année 1959," Table 27.
Dimensions: 18 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: matrix c.i.f. Duties included in a row of export and import taxes.


Senegal, 1974, in millions of CFA francs at producers' prices.
Source: Ministère de l'économie et des finances, Direction de la statistique, "Tableau d'échanges interindustriels -- année 1974," Table 27.
Dimensions: 26 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: In one row of inputs.


South Africa, 1967, in millions of Rand at basic prices.
Source: Department of Statistics, Report No. 09-16-01 "Input-Output Tables, 1967."
Dimensions: 52 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: In a column including import duties.


South Africa, 1978, in millions of Rand at basic prices.
Source: Central Statistical Services, Report No. 09-16-05 "Input-Output Tables, 1978."
Dimensions: 51 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: In a column including import duties.


Taiwan, 1971, in thousands of Taiwan dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Overall Planning Department, Economic Planning Council, "Taiwan Input- Output Tables 1971," Taipei 1974.
Dimensions: 76 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: Intermediate imports c.i.f. in row 78, duties in row 79.


Tanzania (Mainland) 1970, in millions of Tanzanian shillings at producers' prices.
Source: United Nations Development Programme, Statistics (National Accounts), "Tanzania: Project Findings and Recommendations," U.N., New York, 1975, DP/UN/URT-68-005/1.
Dimensions: 45 sectors, industry by industry.
Imports: imports c.i.f. in row 47, import duties in row 48.


Thailand 1990, in thousands of baht at producers' prices
Source: NESDB, round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Thailand 1990, in thousands of baht at purchasers' prices
Source: National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB), round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Thailand 1990, imports in thousands of baht
Source: NESDB, round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Thailand 1990, domestic products in thousands of baht
Source: NESDB, round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Thailand 1990, retail margins in thousands of baht
Source: NESDB, round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Thailand 1990, Make matrix in thousands of baht
Source: NESDB, round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Thailand 1990, transport margins in thousands of baht
Source: NESDB, round 48.
Dimensions: 180 sectors, commodity by commodity.


Make matrix, domestic inputs and total imports
United Kingdom, 1984, in £ million
Source: Central Statistical Office, Input-output tables for the United Kingdom, 1984, London, HMSO, 1988, table 1.
Dimensions: industry by commodity, 102 by 102. Data adjusted by DIA Inc. to reduce rounding errors.


Use matrix, domestic inputs and total imports
United Kingdom, 1984, in £ million
Source: Central Statistical Office, Input-output tables for the United Kingdom, 1984, London, HMSO, 1988, tables 2-4, 6 and 8-10.
Dimensions: commodity by commodity, 102 commodities, 3 value added categories. The Final Demand wing has 29 private consumption goods, 4 government consumption categories, and gross fixed capital formation by 47 SIC industries, and tax and distribution margins.
Imports: in one column with further detail in the imports matrix.


Imports Matrix
United Kingdom, 1984, in £ million
Source: Central Statistical Office, Input-output tables for the United Kingdom, 1984, London, HMSO, 1988, tables 3 and 6.
Dimensions: commodity by commodity, 102 commodities


Uruguay, 1961, in thousands of pesos at current purchasers' prices
Source: Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay, Departamento de Investigaciones Económicas, "Cuentas Nacionales," 1965.
Dimensions: 20 sectors, industry by industry
Imports: c.i.f. plus duties, in import matrix.


Uruguay, 1983, in millions of new pesos at current purchasers' prices
Source: Banco Central del Uruguay, Departamento de Estadísticas Económicas, "Cuentas Nacionales," 1991.
Dimensions: 55 sectors, commodity by commodity
Imports: c.i.f. plus duties, in import matrix.


Make matrix
U.S. 1977 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, "Survey of Current Business," May 1984.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, industry by commodity.


Use matrix
U.S. 1977 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, "Survey of Current Business," May 1984.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.
Imports: in final demand columns of imports f.o.b. and import duties.


Personal consumption expenditure in national accounts categories
U.S. 1977 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, "Survey of Current Business," May 1984.
Dimensions: 85 IO commodities by 83 NIPA categories.


Indirect tax margins.
U.S. 1977 benchmark in millions of dollars.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Appendices I and F.
Dimensions: 85 IO commodities by 3 tax categories: import duties, federal excise taxes, and state/local sales taxes.


Make matrix.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-002.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, industry by commodity.


Use matrix
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-002.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Personal consumption expenditure in national accounts categories
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-010.
Dimensions: 85 IO commodities by 83 NIPA categories.


Federal commodity tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Railroad transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Truck transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Water transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Air transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Pipeline transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Wholesale trade margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Wholesale tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Retail trade margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Retail sales tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Other retail tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 85 sectors, commodity by industry.


Import duty by commodity.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-013.
Dimensions: 85 commodities.


Indirect taxes
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-013.
Dimensions: 85 commodities by 52 federal and state/local indirect taxes.


Make matrix.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-002.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, industry by commodity.


Use matrix
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-002.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Personal consumption expenditure in national accounts categories
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-010.
Dimensions: 542 IO commodities by 107 NIPA categories.


Federal commodity tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Railroad transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Truck transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Water transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Air transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Pipeline transport margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Wholesale trade margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Wholesale tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Retail trade margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Retail sales tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Other retail tax margins.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-012.
Dimensions: 542 sectors, commodity by industry.


Import duty by commodity.
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-013.
Dimensions: 542 commodities.


Indirect taxes
U.S. 1982 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-91-40-013.
Dimensions: 542 commodities by 52 federal and state/local indirect taxes.


Make matrix.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-94-40-004.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, industry by commodity.


Use matrix
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. accession number 51-94-40-004.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Personal consumption expenditure in national accounts categories
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 IO commodities by 127 NIPA categories.


Railroad transport margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Truck transport margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Water transport margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Air transport margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Pipeline transport margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Wholesale trade margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Wholesale tax margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Retail trade margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Retail sales tax margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Other retail tax margins.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 sectors, commodity by industry.


Import duty by commodity.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, File 87IODUTY.RPT
Dimensions: 98 commodities.


Indirect taxes.
U.S. 1987 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, Work-Files 87WF1OF2.ASC and 87WF2OF2.ASC.
Dimensions: 98 commodities by 55 federal and state/local indirect taxes.


Make matrix.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Use matrix
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Personal consumption expenditure in national accounts categories
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commodity composition of NIPA diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0186.
Dimensions: 97 IO commodities by 136 NIPA categories.


Railroad transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Truck transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Water transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Air transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Pipeline (exluding gas) transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Gas pipeline transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Wholesale trade margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Retail trade margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, two-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0180.
Dimensions: 97 sectors, IO commodity by IO industry.


Make matrix.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Use matrix
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors and 40 final demands, IO industry by IO commodity.


Personal consumption expenditure in national accounts categories
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commodity composition of NIPA diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0186.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Railroad transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Truck transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Water transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Air transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Pipeline (except gas) transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Gas pipeline transport margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Wholesale trade margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Retail trade margins.
U.S. 1992 benchmark in millions of dollars at producers' prices.
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis, six-digit transactions diskette, U.S.DOC. BEA, IED(BE-51), Product ID Number NDN0178.
Dimensions: 498 sectors, IO industry by IO commodity.


Zambia, 1973, in hundreds of thousands of kwacha at producers' prices.
Source: Central Statistical Office, "National Accounts and Input-Output Tables, 1973," Lusaka, 1980.
Dimensions: 30 sectors, commodity by industry.
Imports: in rows c.i.f. and duties.


Zimbabwe, 1980, Make matrix in Z$ '000.
Source: Central Statistical Office, "The Input-Output Structure of the Economy of Zimbabwe, 1980," Harare, 1988, Table 1.
Dimensions: 62 sectors, 80 commodities.
Note: with error corrections by DIA Agency, Inc.


Zimbabwe, 1980, Use matrix in Z$ '000.
Source: Central Statistical Office, "The Input-Output Structure of the Economy of Zimbabwe, 1980," Harare, 1988, Table 2.
Dimensions: 80 commodities, 62 sectors, 7 final demands.
Note: with error corrections by DIA Agency, Inc.


Zimbabwe, 1980, Import matrix in Z$ '000.
Source: Central Statistical Office, "The Input-Output Structure of the Economy of Zimbabwe, 1980," Harare, 1988, Table 3.
Dimensions: 80 commodities, 62 sectors, 7 final demands.
Note: with error corrections by DIA Agency, Inc.


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