Employment and employment income of Argentine railway workers, 1892 to 1952. Data published with operating statistics were supplemented with census and pension fund data. There are 38 sheets:
Sheet | Title | Datum | Remarks |
A | N° en Dir | Number of persons employed in management | Monthly average that includes staff on both revenue account and capital account |
B | N° en VyO | Number of persons employed in Ways and Works | |
C | N° en TyM | Number of persons employed in Traffic, Trains and Vehicles | |
D | N° en TyT | Number of persons employed in Traction and Workshops | |
E | Total | Total number of persons employed | |
F | Sueldos Dir | Wages and salaries paid in Management | Annual total in gold pesos until 1940/41, in paper pesos thereafter |
G | Sueldos VyO | Wages and salaries paid in Ways and Works | |
H | Sueldos TyM | Wages and salaries paid in Traffic, Trains and Vehicles | |
I | Sueldos TyT | Wages and salaries paid in Traction and Workshops | |
J | Total Sueldos | Total amount of wages and salaries paid | |
K | N° obreros | Number of skilled workshop workers | Daily average on revenue and capital accounts |
L | N° peones | Number of unskilled workshop workers | |
M | Jornal obrero | Average daily wage of a skilled workshop worker | |
N | Jornal peón | Average daily wage of an unskilled workshop worker | |
O | Detalle 1893 | Monthly wages paid in 1893 | Minima and maxima of various professions and trades |
P | Detalle 1894 | Monthly wages paid in 1894 | |
Q | Detalle 1896 | Wages paid to railwaymen and workers in many other trades. | |
R | Detalle 1943 a 1962 | Salaries and Wages from 1943 to 1962. | Of 27 grades in current pesos and in money of constant purchasing power. |
S | Censo 1916 | Distribution of salaried employees by age in 1916 | Results of a census of railwaymen taken in 1916 without covering all |
T | Antigüedad | Distribution of salaried employees by years of service in 1916 | |
U | Estado civil | Sex, status and number of children of employees with monthly wages under 100 paper pesos | |
V | Hijos | Sex, status and number of children of employees with monthly wages between 100 and 300 paper pesos | |
W | Sueldos 1916 | Distributions of monthly salaries and daily wages by size in 1916 | |
X | Nacionalidad | Distribution of persons employed by 5 major railways according to their nationality. | |
Y | Cotizantes | Number of contributors to the Railway Pensions Fund, 1919 to 1935 | |
Z | Dirección 1941 | Distribution in 1941 of pension fund contributors by level of wage or salary and by salary base (monthly, daily, hourly) | |
AA | Almacenes 1941 | ||
AB | Talleres 1941 | ||
AC | Tracción 1941 | ||
AD | Tráfico 1941 | ||
AE | VyO 1941 | ||
AF | Electrificación 1941 | ||
AG | Confiterías 1941 | ||
AH | Muelles 1941 | ||
AI | Marítimo 1941 | ||
AJ | Usinas 1941 | ||
AK | Total 1941 | ||
AL | Notas | Totals and sub-totals are only for those railways under the jurisdiction of the National Railways Board. Data for other railways are incomplete and included only in respect of companies that later came under that jurisdiction. |