Formosa a Embarcación | FC de Formosa a Embarcación |
CNA | FC Central Norte Argentino |
S.Cristóbal a Tucumán | FC de San Cristóbal a Tucumán |
Chumbicha a Catamarca | FC de Chumbicha a Catamarca |
Deán Funes a Chilecito | FC de Deán Funes a Chilecito |
AdN | FC Argentino del Norte |
CNO | Cordoba and North-Western Ry. |
CC (N) | Cordoba Central Ry. (Northen Section) |
NOA | North-West Argentine Ry. |
CC (E) | Cordoba Central Ry. (Original Line) |
C y R | Cordoba and Rosario Railway |
FCCC Extn. a Bs.As. | Cordoba Central Ry. (Bs.As.Extension) |
TVR | Rafaela Steam Tramway |
TA | Argentine Transandine Ry. |
SF | Cie. des Chemins de Fer de la Province de Santa Fe |
CGBA | Cie. Générale dans la Province de Buenos Aires |
C. del Chubut | Central Ry. of Chubut |
PBA | FC de la Provincia de Buenos Aires |
BAM | Buenos Aires Midland Ry. |
Córdoba a Malagueño | FC de Córdoba a Malagueño |
Trocha 1.000 | Narrow gauge |
E | FC del Este (del Estado) |
EA | East Argentine Ry. |
NEA | Argentine North-Eastern Ry. |
Primer Entre-Riano | FC Primer Entrerriano |
ER | Entre Rios Railways |
CBA | FC Central de Buenos Aires |
Trocha 1.435 | Standard gauge |
SA al NH | FC de San Antonio al Nahuel Huapí |
C.R. a Col. S. | FC de Comodoro Rivadavia a Colonia Sarmiento |
Pto.D. a Col. L.H. | FC. de Puerto Deseado a Colonia Las Heras |
BAE | Buenos Aires and Ensenada Ry. |
S | Buenos Aires Great Southern Ry. |
O | Buenos Aires Western Ry. |
BBNO | Bahia Blanca North-Western Ry. |
CA | Central Argentine Ry. |
OSF | FC Oeste Santafecino |
BAR | Buenos Aires and Rosario Ry. |
GSSFyC | Santa Fe and Cordoba Great Southern Ry. |
Rosario a Pto. Belgrano | Chemin de Fer de Rosario a Puerto Belgrano |
NOA (La Rioja) | FC Noroeste Argentino (a La Rioja) |
Andino | FC Andino |
GOA | Argentine Great Western Railway |
BAP | Buenos Aires and Pacific Ry. |
VMR | Villa Maria and Rufino Ry. |
Pedro Vargas a Malargüe | FC de Pedro Vargas a Malargüe |
Trocha 1.676 | 5'6" gauge |
Estado | State Railways |
Particulares | Private railways |
De concesión nacional | Railways with federal government concession |