Contains information about legal provisions, classification and minimum weights of goods and parcels, and basic mileage scales for passenger fares and freight rates. The tabulated mileage scales permit calculation of maximum fares and rates. Lower, special freight rates for principal domestic products have also been tabulated for the years 1896, 1900 and 1908. The data have been collected in 36 sheets:
Sheet | Title | Datum | Remarks |
A | Leyes | Summary of clauses germane to rates and fares included in legislation and contracts in force in 1896 | |
B | Base 1892 | Basic mileage scales for rates and fares in gold pesos, for passengers, excess baggage, parcels and goods, in force in 1892 | |
C | Clasificador | Goods classified by rate class | 1490 goods distributed over 10 freight rate classes of 26 railway companies |
D | Base 1896 | Basic mileage scales for rates and fares in gold pesos, for passengers, excess baggage, parcels and goods, in force in 1896 | |
E | del país 1896 | Freight rates for transport of domestic products, 1896, in gold pesos | Mileage scales for 36 products and 27 railway companies |
F | Premio del oro | Gold premia charged by the railway companies at the beginning of each week in the year 1896 | For adjustment of rates and fares charged in paper currency to rates set in gold. |
G | Pasajeros 1900 | Basic mileage rates for passenger fares in 1900. | Both in gold and paper currency |
H | Encomiendas 1900 | Basic mileage scales and minimum weights for transport of excess baggage and parcels in 1900 | Both in gold and paper currency |
I | Animales 1900 | Basic rates for transport of livestock on the hoof, 1900 | in paper currency |
J | Vehículos 1900 | Basic rates for transport of road vehicles, 1900 | in paper currency |
K | Cargas a oro | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1900 | in gold |
L | en papel | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1900 | in paper currency |
M | del país 1900 | Freight rates for transport of domestic products, 1900, in gold pesos | Mileage scales for 46 products and 25 railway companies |
N | Pasajeros 1908 | Basic mileage rates for passenger fares in 1908. | Both in gold and paper currency |
O | Encomiendas | Basic mileage scales and minimum weights for transport of excess baggage and parcels in 1908 | Both in gold and paper currency |
P | Animales | Basic rates for transport of livestock on the hoof, 1908 | in paper currency |
Q | Clasificador 1908 | Classification of 40 goods by 27 railway companies | |
R | A oro 1908 | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1908 | Practically the same as those of 1900 |
S | Cargas 1908 | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1908 | in paper currency |
T | del país 1908 | Freight rates for transport of domestic products, 1908, in gold pesos | Nearly identical to those of 1900 and, in some cases, in disagreement with sheet S |
U | Pasajeros 1913 | Basic mileage rates for passenger fares in 1913 | Both in gold and paper currency |
V | Encomiendas 1913 | Basic mileage scales and minimum weights for transport of excess baggage and parcels in 1913 | Both in gold and paper currency |
W | Animales 1913 | Basic rates for transport of livestock on the hoof, 1913 | in paper currency |
X | Vehículos | Basic rates for transport of road vehicles, 1913 | in paper currency |
Y | Clasificador 1913 | Classification of 82 goods by 19 railway companies | |
Z | Cargas a oro 1913 | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1913 | in gold |
AA | Cargas papel 1913 | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1908 | in paper currency |
AB | Pasajeros 1928 | Basic mileage rates for passenger fares in 1928 | in paper currency |
AC | Clasificador 1928 | Classification of 62 goods by 23 railway companies | |
AD | Cargas 1928 | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1928 | in paper currency |
AE | Clasificador 1933 | Classification of 62 goods by 22 railway companies | |
AF | Cargas 1933 | Basic mileage scales for freight rates for general goods, 1933 | in paper currency |
AG | Pasajeros 1935 | Basic mileage rates for passenger fares in 1935 and in subsequent years until 1942/3 | in paper currency |
AH | Clasificador 1935 | Classification of 62 goods by 22 railway companies | comparable to those of 1928 and 1933 |
AI | Clasificador 1941|2 | Classification of 62 goods by 20 railway companies | |
AJ | Clasificador 1942|3 | Classification of 62 goods by 20 railway companies | |
AK | Notas | For basic mileage scales in force from 1901 to1907 see sheets G to M | |
For basic mileage scales in force from 1922 to1927 see sheets AB and AD | |||
For basic mileage scales in force from 1936 a 1943 see sheets AF and AG | |||
Caution: | The National Railways Board used to publish this footnote below the tables of basic mileage scales: "These tariffs are not mathematically precise but a very rough approximation to the average of those in force." |