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Following is a list of articles, many of them illustrated with photographs, diagrams and tables, and with hyperlinks that connect them, pertaining to the following subjects:

LegislationWays and WorksMechanicalTrafficWorkshopsStaffShareholder ListsHistoryNationalisationEconomicsAgricultureMiscellaneaMore railways and other industries

Many of the papers were presented at quarterly meetings of railway staff and include discussion and comments that show the situation on various railways besides that of the speaker.

Of general interest:

William Singer Barclay, The Geography of South American Railways, 1917.

George S. Brady: Railways of Argentina, U.S. Department of Commerce, Trade Promotion Series No. 32, Washington, D.C., 1926.
Covers the history, finances, traffic, rolling stock, workshops and permanent way of every common carrier railway, secondary railways, and numerous industrial railways. 266 pages with 239 tables and 53 illustrations.

George Earl Church, Argentine Geography and the Pampean Sea, 1898.

J. B. Davies, Argentine Rail Lines are Modern, 1941.
That opinion was published in the United States.

Leopold Grahame, Argentine Railways: A Review of Their Position, Conditions and Prospects, 1916.
Pamphlet authored by a former proprietor of the Buenos Aires Herald and published by a New York broker.

Georges Lafond, Les chemins de fer argentins, Société d'Études et d'Informations Économiques, Paris, 1926.
Brief report on economic and legal obstacles to railway development in the Argentine.

Carlos Maschwitz: Memoria de la Dirección General de Ferrocarriles Nacionales, 1895 a 1898.

Enrique S. Pérez: Líneas férreas patagónicas. Informe presentado al Poder Ejecutivo por el Administrador General de los FF.CC. del Estado, 1925.

Special Correspondent: Railways in South America
reprints of letters from the Argentine to The Railway News and Joint Companies' Journal, 1889-90

Fighiera to Hivonnait, 1934
From the Central Argentine Railway to the French-owned Argentine railway companies on: exchange and currency transfers, labour questions, pooling of revenues, transport coordination, railcars, Diesel-electric traction, and water softeners.

Various: River Plate House, English Clock Tower, Monument to George Canning, Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
            Travel by the Transandine in 1891, 1892, 1893 and 1901.

Law No. 531, General Railway Law of 1872.
Law No. 583, on five new lines to build, 1872.
Railway Law of the Province of Buenos Aires, 1879.
        Including the debate in one of the chambers of the Legislature.
Railway Law of the Province of Santa Fé, 1884.
        Pretending to extend provincial lines into neighbouring provinces.
Law No. 2265, regarding payments to guaranteed railways, 1888.
Law No. 2274: creating the National Railways Board, with debate in 1888.
Law No. 2290: increasing the guaranteed capital of the Cordoba Central Railways' Northern Section, required to rebuild and re-equip the line, with debate in 1888.
Law No. 2379: forcing the Argentine Great Western Railway Co. to improve a line sold in deplorable condition, with debate in 1888.
Law No. 2873, General Railway Law of 1891.
Decree of provincial government re differential rates, Southern Ry., 1898.
Law No. 6757 Organisation of the State Railways, 1909.
Decree of national government re differential rates, Southern Ry., 1899.
Laws requiring railways to cooperate in collection of sales taxes, 1898, 1899.
        White to Schneidewind: note on draft legislation, 1901.
        Bill amending Law 2873, 1935-38.
Law No. 3336: authorising the sale of the Primer Entrerriano railway, 1895.
Law No. 4064: Authorising construction of State Railway branches, 1902.
Law No. 5315, Mitre Law of 1907.
      Projected amendments to the Mitre Law, 1913.
      Law No. 10657, clarification of the Mitre Law, 1919.
Government's message to Congress on Sale of the Andino Railway, 1908.
Law No. 5559, on promotion of development of National Territories, 1908.
Law No. 5703 authorising concession by decree of short railway branches, 1908.
Law No. 6509 on obligatory use of automatic couplers, 1909.
Decree regulating Duty-free imports, 1897.
Decree opening a London Office of the Ministry of Public Works, 1909.
Decree authorising the purchase of Mrs. Haase's industrial railway line to Campo Gallo, 1912.
Decree authorising the fusion of the Cordoba Central Railway, 1913.
Convention on international railway traffic between the Argentine and Paraguay, 1913.
Loan of securities to the Treasury. (Scheme B.), 1916.
Decree No. 5798: Purchase of industrial branch C.23 to Lilo Viejo, 1926.
Decrees Nos. 474 and 1508 de 1927 and agreement on nationalisation of Weisburd & Company's branch C.22
Decree of 5-12-1927 authorising seat reservations.
Decree of 12-31-1929 prescribing the capacity of rolling stock that companies must have in service.
Law No. 11.742: On construction of a general network of grain elevators, 1933.
Decree No. 60.286 prohibiting the railway's telegraphic service to the public, 1935.
Decree No. 59.350 authorising joint management of the Southern and Western railways, 1935.
Decree No. 75.642 authorising common use of wagons, 1936.
Law No. 12.346: Co-ordination of Transport, 5 January 1937.
Decre No. 122.453, Lease of the Cordoba Central Railway to the State Railways, Contract of 1937.
Law No. 12.572: Purchase of the Cordoba Central Railway and the Rafaela Steam Tramway, 1938, including text of the approved contract.
Decree No. 7890 of 1938 setting norms for rates and fares for traffic in competition.
Decree No. 25.719 authorising dor-to-door services, 1939.
Circular No.1: on the formation and running of petroleum trains, 1941.
Circular No. 12: on minimum fares for excursion trains, 1941.
Circular No. 28/1942 about the use of English in interdepartmental correspondence.
Decree 145.561 dumping of door-to-door services, 1943.
Decree No. 145.120: On third rail in standard-gauge lines in Entre Rios and Corrientes, 1943
Decree No. 9.049 relegating parts of Working Timetables to Supplements with restricted circulation, 1943.
Decree No. 34.023 declaring that information about railways are military secrets, 1944.
Decree 5.789: Taking possession of British-owned railways and following decrees and ministerial resolutions, 1948.
Decree 23.397: Suspension of postal parcels service, 1948.
Decree 23.724: Increased fines for Fare Evasion, 1948.
Decree 24.341: Appontments to London Purchasing Office, 1948.
Decree 35.202: Authorising sale of subsidiaries of former British-owned railways.
Resolution No. 1174 Regrouping Railways, 1948
Decree No. 1730: Imposing uniform classification, rates and fares on all railways, 1949.
Law 15.778 Creating the 'Empresa de Ferrocarriles del Estado Argentino' and its by-laws, 1956.
Decree 853: participacipation of employees in solution of technical and economic problems, 1961
Decree 3660 ordering liquidation of surplus assets, 1961.
Decree 5605: attrition of staff by early retirement, 1961.

Concessions, decrees, and contracts for construction of:

Apóstoles to Iguazú Falls, Law 6712 of 1909.
Bahía Blanca to Villa Mercedes and Río Cuarto (1887)
Buenos Ayres & Campana Railway (1870-1883)
Buenos Ayres & Rosario Railway (1883-1887)
Buenos Ayres & Valparaiso Transandine Railway (1872-1877)
Buenos Ayres, Ensenada & Port Railway (1860-1878)
Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway (1862-1884)
Buenos Ayres Northern Railway (1854-1875)
Central Argentine Railway (1863-1887)
Concession to C. Fernandez, Villaguay to Monte Caseros, Law 2592 of 1889.
Concession to Luis Jones, San Pedro to Rosario de la Frontera, Law 2653 of 1889.
Concession to Compañía de Transportes, Victoria a Ramos Mejía, Law 2649 of 1889.
Concessions to B. Sastre by Laws 2725 of 1890 and 4486 of 1904.
Concession to Woodgate, Córdoba to Venado Tuerto, Law 2656 of 1889.
Cordoba Central Buenos Aires Extension Railway, 1903.
Eastern Lines of the State Railways (1904-1929)
Entre Rios Railways: Ferry Route across the Paraná, 1905.
Entre Rios Railways: Ibicuy Port, 1906.
Entre Rios Railways: Extension from Macia to the North, 1930.
Ocampo to a point near Tostado, 1901.
State Railways: from Algarrobal to Mendoza, 1930.
Western Railway of Buenos Aires (1862-1865)
Western Railway's tunnel to the Port of Buenos Aires, 1910.
Projects of laws:
Western Railway to Cañuelas and Magdalena, 1883.
Barranqueras to Juarez Celman Colony, 1887.
Chilecito to Famatina (P. Prud'homme concession), 1887.
Rosario to Buenos Ayres (James Temple's concession), 1887.
Belgrano to Tigre (Nouguier concession), 1887.
Discussion in Chamber of Deputies of zones of influence and remarks by Emilio Mitre on reasons for and effect of the law named after him:
Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, Law 5535 of 1908
Pacific Railway branch from Pedernera to La Paz, 1908.
Sale or Lease of the Andino Railway, 1887, 1908.
Line from Pozo del Molle to Córdoba of the French Co. of Railways of the Province of Santa Fe.
Western Railway branch lines, 1908.
Government-owned tunnel to the Port, 1908.
Extension from Vergara to Lezama of the Buenos Ayres, Ensenada & South Coast Railway, 1913.
Extension from Punta Alta to Bahía Blanca of the Compagnie du Chemin de fer de Rosario à Puerto-Belgrano, 1913.
Access to the Port, terminal station and electrification of the Buenos Ayres & Pacific Railway, 1913.
Decree declaring concessions to have lapsed, 1917.
Mitre Law, Art. 8, Tax exemptions:
Decree 11.209: imposing a tax on petrol consumed by railways contrary to the Mitre Law, 1932.
Decree No. 53.749 Bank Interest attracts Income Tax, 1934.
Decree 121.742: imposing a tax on fuel consumed by railways and other industries, 1942.
Resolution imposing tax on sales of materials to other railways.
Income Tax due by the Railway Clearing House, 1945.
Decree 25.645: Exemption from Import Duties, 1948.
Mitre Law, Art. 8, 3% tax to fund road construction
Decree 114.213: exempting the State Railways from contributions to the Road Fund, 1942.
Mitre Law, Art. 10, 50% rebate on Government traffic:
Decree of 1 May 1920: 50% rebate applies also to special (reduced) rates.
Decree 85.697: 50% rebate on rebated season tickets, 1941.
Decree 100.005: storage, 1941.
Decree 112.235: rebate for Army's shipment even after change of use by resale of merchandise in open market, 1942 (quite a scandal).
Decree 112.658: personal effects of Army officers, 1942.
Decree 113.680: telegrams, 1942.
Decree 114.213: exempting the State Railways from contributions to the Road Fund, 1942.
Decree 118.404: CAR refusal to grant rebate on season tickets, 1942.
Decree 139.955: construction materials, 1942.
Labour Regulations:
Decree of October 11, 1917: Temporary railway labour regulations.
Decree of November 21, 1917: Railway Labour Regulations.
Notes sent by the companies to the Ministry of Public Works regarding the decrees of 11th October and 21st November, 1917 (in 2 files).
Decree of December 7, 1917: Regulations of Railway Telegraph Operators' Labour and the employers' note to the Ministry on the subject.
Decree 560 of 1930: Railway Labour Regulations.
Decrees 65.240, 69.742 and 72.616 of 1935: Railway Labour Regulations.
Decree No. 128.755: Employment of wood passers, 1942.
Circular No. 6/1943 about labour relations in the State Railways.
Circular No. 62/1944 on grievances of railwaymen.
Individual grievances will not be heard unless presented through the Labour Unions.
Decree 11.069 of 1946: Railway Labour Regulations.
Decree 3.969 of 1966: Railway Labour Regulations
Wages and Salaries:
Decree No. 3388 of 1931 approving reductions of wages and salaries to avoid unemployment.
Decree No. 115.135 of 1942, suspending the Presidential Award of 1934 and granting rate increases ear-marked for payment of wages and benefits.
Decree No. 116.531 of 1942, clarifying the previous decree.
Appointment of Committee charged with study of matters arising from decrees 115.135 and 116.531.
Decree No. 137.993 of 1942, regulating the use of the yield of rate increases.
Decree No. 144.235 of 1943, extending the time limit of the increases by 6 months.
Decree No. 3.771 of 1943, answering request for up to 20% rate increases with a 5% increase ear-marked for payment of employment benefits adducing some frankly racist arguments.
Decree No. 15.703 of 1943 granting an increase in freight rates for livestock of 10% for 6 months when 20% were requested without time limit.
Decree No. 14.531 of 1944 transferring railway revenue to the Labour Department.
Foreign Office correspondence on Decre 14.531.
Decree No. 168 of 1944 imposing contributions to Peron's Secretariat of Labour and Social Security.
Decree No. 17.468 of 1944 setting new annual leave periods.
Decree No. 29.394 of 1944 given in a dictatorial tone, granting rate increases while distributing all its benefits to the railwaymen and repealing the Presidential Award.
Decree No. 29.912 of 1945 extending family allowances to railwaymen.
Law 12.919 extending the Christmas bonuses (aguinaldo) to railwaymen, 1947.
Resolution No. 10 Laying off British Staff appointed after 1 March, 1948.
Resolution No. 14 Suspending appointments, promotions, home leave of British Staff, 1948.
Exchange Control: Decree
Ministerial resolution 2809 of 1932 regarding tax on transfers of money abroad.
Regarding reduction on transport of maize in exchange for preferential rate of exchange for remittances, 1936.
No. 99.865, 1941.
No. 117.641, 1942.
No. 135.228, 1942.
No. 147.294, 1943.
No. 150.228, 1943.
Rationing of railway services:
Preference to the War Department, 1944.
Decree No. 30.186/45 regulating the priority of goods carried by rail.
Ministry of Transport Order Nº 2946/1950 regulating advanced issue of tickets and seat reservations.
Decree No. 26.901/1951: Repression of illegal acquisitions or sales of railway services.
Ministry of Transport Order Nº 95/1956 regulating the priority of goods carried by rail.
Ministry of Transport Order Nº 876/1956 regulating cattle car orders and supplies.
Order by the Railways Board Nº 124/1957 granting preference to grains for export and fixing the tonnages from various stations on shorter, paved highway.
Order by the Railways Board Nº 147/1957 granting preference for the transport of animal feed that substituted for maize diverted to export markets.
Order by the Railways Board Nº 149/1957 granting preference to cereals for export and fixing the tonnage from various stations subsequently abandoned.
Order by the Railways Board Nº 178/1957 and 180/1957 granting preference to cereals for export with reference to foreign exchange earnings.

Ways and Works

Anon: Iron Railway Sleepers, 1879-1882.
        The state of the art of iron sleepers at those dates.
Anon.: Rail Welding on the Central Argentine Railway, 1944.
Anon.: Bridge over the Riachuelo, Ensenada Railway, 1886.
Anon.: Bridge over the Salado River, Buenos Ayres & Railway Railway, 1893.
Anon.: New Cargo Mole at Bahia Blanca (Galvan), 1903.
Anon.: Electric Power Station at Bahia Blanca, 1912
        Description of the Loma Paraguaya Power House, the tramway and power distribution in the town.
Anon.: Manganese Double Scissors Steel Crossing for Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, 1914
Anon: Permanent Way & Signalling, Buenos Ayres Western Railway, 1928.
Anon.: Temperley Junction Re-Signalling, 1928.
Anon.: New Terminal Grain Elevator at Ingeniero White, 1932.
Anon.: New Station at Campana, 1927.
Anon.: Re-Signalling Buenos Aires Approach Lines, Central Argentine Railway, 1929.
Anon.: Automatic Signalling on the Central Argentine Railway, 1932.
Anon.: New Branch Lines, Central Argentine Railway, 1932.
Anon.: Main Line Widening Near Maldonado Junction, Central Argentine Railway, 1935.
        A work involving the construction of numerous large bridges, retaining walls, a new station and other works under heavy traffic.
Anon.: Level Crossing Protection in Argentina, 1932.
        and ways to get around vandalism.
Anon.: Maintenance of Water Supply Equipment, 1941.
        Showed drastic reduction in failures of the water service and cost of locomotive boiler feed water.
Anon.: El levante calibrado o trabajo a bandeja en los Ferrocarriles Sud y Oeste de Buenos Aires, 1942.
        By elimination of beater packing the operations were reduced and the track levelling work was accelerated by 40%.
Anon.: Standardisation of Buenos Aires Western Railway Electrical Equipment, 1940.
        Installation of new rectifiers of current at 50 cycles instead of 25.
Anon: The Port at Villa Constitucion, 1889-1936.
Anon: Bridge over the Aguapey River, 1900.
Anon.: Electrification of the Central Argentine Railway, 1918.
        Description of works, power station, sub-stations, equipment and rolling stock for the line from Retiro to Tigre.
Anon.: Railway Electrification in South America, 1923.
        Description power station, sub-stations, equipment and rolling stock for the lines from Once to Moreno and Versailles.
Anon: San Fernando Power Station 1939-1944.
        Description of work done to augment its capacity

Geoffrey Charles Blofield, The Reconstruction of the Mocoretá and Timboy Bridges, Argentine North-Eastern Railway, 1938.

William L. Lowe Brown, Buenos Aires Western Railway Tunnels under the City of Buenos Aires, 1920.
Reasons for and technical details and illustrations of the tunnel construction.

Aníbal Cisneros: New entrance of the Central Argentine Railway, 1927.
On quadruplication of tracks and elimination of level crossings between Empalme Maldonado and Villa Ballester.

Robert Crawford, Survey of the Transandine Railway from Bragado over the Planchón Pass, 1871-1872.

F. L. Creswell, Motor Trolley Maintenance of Permanent Way in Argentina, 1935.
Detailed exposition of increased efficiency of Permanent Way Gangs and decreased cost of track maintenance.

Benjamin James Forrest: Railway Work in Argentina, 1894.
On the construction of the railway and other industrial installations in the Ocampo Colony.

Gilbert J. Hartley: Engineering Notes on Railway Work in the Argentine,1915
About methods of railway construction and the labour employed.

T. C. S. Haslam, Timber Viaduct over the Tunuyan River, 1927.
A novel method of construction.

Brodie Haldane Henderson: The Transandine Railway, 1913.
General description of the railway by its consulting engineer, with comments by Roman Abt, Mateo Clark, David Simson, etc.

George Frederick Jackson: Iron and Steel Bridges on the Buenos Ayres and Valparaiso Transandine Railway, 1892.

Carl Malmén: Via Férrea de Bahía Blanca al Neuquen, Descripción de la traza, 1897.

Leetham Reynolds: High Speed Track for Argentine Railways (in Spanish), 1942.
Description of Pacific Railway track and speeds.

Thomas Holmes Perry: Notes on Railway Construction in the River Plate, 1887.
On ballast and the use of tosca and other materials.

Metropolitan-Vickers: The Central Argentine Suburban Electrification, 1931.
Description of equipment, sub-stations, centralised control and rolling stock.

Frank Reeves: Rail Creep, 1920.
Analysis following novel experiments at the Buenos Ayres & Pacific Railway.

R. H. F. Stuart: Bridges on the North-West Argentine Railway, 1896.

John Henderson Taylor: The Application of Electric Traction to the Suburban Lines of the Central Argentine Railway, 1921.
Description of the Canal San Fernando power station, sub-stations, third rail, signalling, trains, etc.

E. E. Russell Tratman: On the Substitution of Metal for Wood in Railroad Ties, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forestry Division, 1890
Describes Argentine permanent way (rails, sleepers and ballast) in use and under construction in 1888 with special interest in the use of iron and steel sleepers as a means to preserve forests.

C. H. Roberts: Empleo de las traviesas, 1910
About the quantity and quality of sleepers used by each railway and their advantages and disadvantages.

Henry Grattan Sharpe: The Marshalling Yard at Mecha, 1924.

State Railways:

Independent Access to Buenos Aires, 1934.
Description of a projected ferry-boat terminal in the New Port of Buenos Aires.

La Reconstrucción del Ferrocarril Trasandino (reconstruction of the Transandine Ry.), 1944.
Works carried out to rebuild and protect the line destroyed by flood in 1934.

Construcci=n de la lfnea fTrrea Pedro Vargas a Malargüe en la Provincia de Mendoza, 1944.
On quick construction of a new line in search of substitutes for imported coal.

Línea internacional de Salta a Chile, su inauguración (International line from Salta to Chile, its inauguration), 1948
Legal and financial basis and progress of the construction of the new international link.

Ernest Henry Stanley: Winter Working. Argentine Transandine Railway, 1920.

Charles Alfred Trery: Galvan Port, Bahia Blanca, Argentine, 1915.
History of the port and description of works completed from 1904 to 1912.

J. A. Webster: Intercommunication Telegraph Working, 1929.
On installation of switchboards for direct communication between stations without re-transmission.

William Wheelwright: Ferro-Carril a la Ensenada, Recopilación de informes científicos y prácticos sobre la rada y puerto de la Ensenada ..., 1870.
With opinions of Moreno, Rivadavia, Bevans, Murature and Coghlan.

Philip o'C Wilkins: Caminos de acceso a estaciones de ferrocarril, 1917.
On costs of construction and maintenance of access roads to railway stations, and possible road user charges.

R. F. Williams, The Operation of Motor Gang Trolleys, 1939.
Used by Entre Rios and Argentine North Eastern railways.

G. N. Williamson: Measured Shovel Packing in Argentina, 1936.
New method for adjusting the level of rails.

Bailey Willis, Seccion cordillerana del ferrocarril trascontinental de San Antonio a Valdivia, 1912.

H. H. Woodgate, Railway Pioneering: Reminiscences of a Land Buyer, 1922.

Mechanical: Steam and Diesel.

Diagram Books

M. F. Ryan, J. Wilson, R. K. Hubbard, and O. Loewenthal: The Fuel Problem in Argentina and its Relation to Railway Operations, 1943.
Major Hubbard: "I have been told that Railway transport is obsolete, but current events convince me that no transport system in the world, whether land, water or air, has ever responded or could ever respond to the loss of more than three quarters of its normal fuel supplies, whilst dealing with increased traffic, in a foreign country, under unhelpful Government control, as have the cheapest carrying Railways of the world, the British Railways in Argentina."

Rolling Stock of the Great Southern Railway, Buenos Ayres, 1867.
Holden's System of Burning Petroleum on the Argentine Great Western Railway, 1891.
English and American locomotives in the Argentine Republic, 1894.
Reply to Elordi and Esteves.

Fatal boiler explosion at Tucuman, 1894.
Visit to Mechita Running Shed, 1932.

A South American Railway Instruction Car, 1915.
Designed by J. P. Crouch for instruction of Central Argentine Railway mechanical department staff.

Twelve-coupled Rack Tank Locomotives in Argentina, (Class E24), 1955.
Rack and adhesion engines for line to Bolivia, described and illustrated.

Pedro A. Belfiore: The Condensing Locomotives on the Argentine State Railways, 1933.
About the design of locomotives designed supplied by Henschel and designed to economize water.

Buenos Aires Midland Railway: Development of Suburban Passenger Service, 1932.
Description of the Sentinel locomotives and their carriages.

C. Case: Handling and Consumption of Coal, 1937.
by the Central Argentine Railway.

J. Cochrane: Water, Its Occurrence on the Central Argentine Railway, 1925.
Analyses of water quality and of effects of minerals and salts on locomotive boiler maintenance; types of wells and drilling methods.

W. P. Deakin: Behaviour of Materials Used in the Construction of Locomotive Fireboxes, etc. on the Central Argentine Railway, 1921.
Comparison of steel and copper fireboxes with many details of boilers and their repair.

Arthur Elder: The New Locomotives of the Pacific Railway, 1936.

P. L. Falconer: The Cylinder Performance of Cross-Compound Locomotives, 1926.
About experiments and trials to overcome design flaws.

Robert Gould: Some Particulars of the Results of the Compound Locomotive on the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway.
Paper presented to the International Engineering Congress, 1901.

Louis Greaven, Petroleum Fuel in Locomotives, 1906.
His experience at the Tehuantepec Railway.

J. J. Handley:

Report Upon Trials of Ljungström Locomotive, 1926.
About State Railway trials with a new technology that promised to overcome water supply problems.

Description of an Eight-Coupled Turbine Locomotive (Ljungström System) for the Argentine State Railways, 1926.

W. H. T. Harvey: Extended Locomotive Runs on the Buenos Aires & Pacific Railway, 1929.
W. H. T. Harvey: Extended Locomotive Runs on the Central Argentine Railway, 1931.
About advantages gained from abandonment of old practices in adaptation to new labour legislation.

R. R. Hubbard: The Continuous Combustion Gas Turbine, 1942.

Rupert Ernest Kimberley: Notes on the Organisation and Working of a Running Department, 1925.
About the Running Department of the B.A. & Pacific Ry., its relations with the Traffic Department, labour issues.

R. Herbert Lapage: On Compound Locomotives, 1889.

Léon Lautier: Reseña sobre tipos de locomotoras de trocha de un metro, 1922.
Reconstruction of existing locomotives and description of the newest American ones

Wm. Th. Lucy: Notes on the Working of a [Transandine] Rack Railway, 1915.
With comments by Dr. Roman Abt, Mateo Clark, Frank Reeves, H. Brodhurst, etc.

Ernest Charles Noble:

Ferry Steamers and Garratt Locomotives in Use on the Entre Rios and North-Eastern Argentine Railways, 1926
About new Garratt locomotives and the ferry service between Zárate and Ibicuy and from Posadas to Pacú Cuá.

The Economics of Locomotive Engineering, 1936.
On the features that promised economical working.

John Poole:

Las primeras locomotoras argentinas, 1856 a 1870, 1941.
Technical description of ancient locomotives, transfers of such engines between railways, ancient steam rail-cars.

Argentine Broad Gauge Locomotive Design, 1923.
Detailed technical descriptions of numerous locomotives touching all their parts from boiler to draw-hooks.

Locomotive Smokeboxes, 1932.

La primera locomotora de la industria nacional, 1938.
On an engine built in Argentina in 1884.

The Locos of the Buenos Aires Northern Ry., 1944.

Argentina's Need of Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stock, 1945.

The Railway Equipment Industry in Argentina, 1945.

The British Locomotive and its Competitors in the Argentine Republic, 1946.

Locomotive Building in Argentina, 1946.

Locomotives of the Central Buenos Aires Ry., 1947.

The Locomotives of the Buenos Aires Western Ry., 1949-52.
Augmented with unpublished errata and additional information sent by John Poole to The Locomotive Magazine.

The Locomotives of the Central Argentine Railway, unpublished M.S., 1949.
with supplementary notes and tables added to the original bringing the story up to 1954.

The Locomotives of the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway, unpublished M.S., 1950.
with supplementary notes added to the original and quite remarkable by giving the technical and economic reasons for design changes.

The Cordoba Central Railway and its Locomotives, unpublished M.S., 1952.
with supplementary notes added to the original.

The Argentine State Railway Locomotives: Central Northern Ry., unpublished M.S., 1950.
with supplementary notes and tables added to the original.

The Two-Cylinder Compound Locomotive in the Argentine, unpubl. M.S., 1952.
About the reason for the introduction and gradual abandonment of the compound engine. It is notable that the first three experiments with what then was new technology were made by Government railways and not by private ones.

Diesel Electric versus Steam Traction, 1950.
The economics of both forms of railway operation.

Livio Dante Porta: Steam Locomotive Development in Argentina --- Its Contribution to the Future of Railway Technology in the Under-Developed Countries, 1969.
The Manchester Paper.

James A. Robertson: Spark Prevention Devices on Locomotives, 1926.
From Young's patent of 1833 to Saccaggio's rotary spark-arrester.

F. D. Southgate: Running and Maintenance of Garratt Locomotives, 1928.

William Leslie Topham: The Application of Oil as a Fuel for the Modern Locomotive, 1935.
With a description of the Combined Apparatus invented by P. C. Saccaggio.

Locomotive Modernisation in Argentina, by J.W.H. Rea (1950), D.S. Purdom (1951), and John Poole (1952), in The Railway Gazette.
About technical achievements of Chief Mechanical Engineers of the Western and Southern Railways, achieved in difficult circumstances.

José Vittone:

Improved Steam Locomotive Performance in Argentina, 1959;
Improved Draughting of Steam Locomotives, 1964.
The cost of modifications and the lower estimate of consequent fuel saving imply a staggering 374 % rate of return on investment.
Malcolm K. Wright, A Record Breaking Locomotive in the Argentine Republic, 1928.
Baldwin's "Big Bus" tested on the B.A. & Pacific.

Diesel and Electrical
Anonymous: 50 Horse Power Petrol Rail Car, 1913.
B. A. Western Railway Inspection Car by Wickham Car Co.

Anonymous: Railway Electrification in South America, 1923.
Detailed description of Buenos Ayres Western Railway electrification: power house, sub-stations, cables, track and rolling stock.

Anonymous: Diesel-Electric Power Units for the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, 1932.
Description of "the largest so far built in one unit."

Anonymous: Buenos Ayres & Pacific Railway Railcars, 1932, 1934, 1937, 1938.

Anonymous: Rebuilding and extension of B. A. Midland Railway Diesel railcars, 1940.
Description of third, middle car built by CATITA and remodelling of long-distance cars, with diagrams and photographs.

Anonymous: A Hundred Railcars for South America.
Description of Drewry railcars for the Southern, Western, North Eastern and Entre Rios railways, 1938.

Anonymous: Diesel-Electric Railcars of the Buenos Ayres Western Railway, 1934.
Anonymous: Railcars of the Cordoba Central Railway, 1937.

W. E. Anderson: Dieselisation of Argentine Railways, 1955.
Claimed that Diesel engines could be amortised in four to five years by their fuel economy alone.

J. Campbell: Rail Cars. Notes on their Introduction, Design and Operation (With Special Reference to Argentine Conditions), 1936
A nearly encyclopædic study of 65 pages followed by another 50 with comments from participants at a meeting in Mendoza.

Robert C. Cochrane: Some Remarks and Observations on the Introduction of Diesel Traction on the Buenos Aires Midland Railway, 1939
Detailed story of the railcars used in the first complete dieselisation of railway passenger services anywhere in the world.

Andrew Brodie Henderson, Diesel Railway Traction and Associated Problems, 1957.

Central Argentine Railway: Coches motores Diesel del Ferrocarril Central Argentino, 1937.
--------------------------Railcars for the Central Argentine Railway, 1937.

K. N. Eckhard:

Development of Electric Traction on the Central Argentine Railway, 1934.
A Quarter Century of Suburban Electric Traction on the Central Argentine Railway: What of the Future? 1942.
An Electric Traction Engineer's Experience with Railcars fitted with Mechanical Transmission, 1945.
Entre Rios Railways: Adquisición de coches motores Diesel, 1937.

E. M. Huergo: El nuevo material rodante de los Ferrocarriles del Estado, 1939.
On new railcars acquired since 1928.

Hugh Macdonald M. MacIntyre: Diesel Electric Locomotive: Running and Maintenance on the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway, 1944.
Teething problems of new technology employed by the Southern Railway.

C. R. Parker: Some Notes on Experience with Railcar Oil Engines in the Argentine (with particular reference to repairs), 1943.
About teething problems, repairs, and modifications of Ganz-Jendrassik engines; manufacture of spare parts.

P. C. Saccaggio et al.: The Diesel Engine Applied to , 1929.

P. C. Saccaggio: Experiences with Diesel-Electric Traction, 1933.
On technical and economic results in passenger service with equipment designed during 1927-1929.

T. A. Spalding: The Ideal Diesel Unit for the Argentine, 1939.
Conclusions from trials with different new technologies.

José Vittone:

Resultados del servicio con coches motores Diesel-eléctricos, 1939.
Notes and Observations on Diesel Electric Railcars on the Buenos Aires Provincial Railway, 1941.
Technical description and analysis of operations of the first and only railcars of the Provincial Government Railway.

E. J. Wilson: Railcars on the Entre Rios and Argentine North Eastern Railways, 1939.
About steam, petrol and Diesel cars, and modifications made to the latter to suit local conditions.

L. C. Woodhouse, Operating Experience with Diesel-Electric Motor Coach Trains, 1950.
Experience with the first rail-cars of the Buenos Ayres Western Railway.


Anonymous, New Train Indicator, Retiro, Central Argentine Railway, 1925.
Anonymous, Decree approving lease of the Cordoba Central by the State Railways, 1938.
Anonymous, Decree approving joint use of Santa Fe Railway lines by the State Railways, 1938.

Anonymous, Special Vehicles for the Buenos Ayres Western Railway, 1931.
Seed selection car, thermos tank for bulk refrigerated milk, fruit car for Colonia Alvear.

Anonymous, Petroleum Transport in Argentina, 1941.
Showing various alternative routes taken fro origin to same destination.

Anonymous, Cattle Freight Rates and Passenger Fares, 1952.

Anonymous, Toll Road Projects, 1952.

W. E. Anderson: The Wagon Bottleneck, 1955.
An estimate of the wagon shortage, supplemented with Argentine statistical measures of the efficiency of wagon utilization compared with those from the US.

The Transportation of Cereals, 1904-05.
Blockage of the Southern Rly. and Bahía Blanca port: Opinions of Messrs. James Alfred Goudge and Eduardo Lahitte; interpellation of the Minister of Public Works (Deputy Carlés vs. Dr. Orma).

William Singer Barclay: The River Paraná: An Economic Survey, 1909.

Frederick William Barrow: The tariffs of the Southern Railway, 1897.
In letter to the President of the Rural Society.

George Cecil Bonner: Some Experiments in Hump Shunting on an Argentine Railway, 1930.
On the lay-out, staffing, and operation of the Villa Maria Gravitation yard.

Alejandro Bunge: The Mitre Law and the Railway Tariffs, 1927.
The double limit on capital value and rate of return imposed by the law turned confiscatory, railway profits having fallen to 2 per cent. of the value of the merchandise carried.

Lino Camaño, La Competencia Carretera en la República Argentina; Las tarifas proyectadas por el Ferrocarril Central Argentino para contrarrestar sus efectos, 1941.

Manuel F. Castello: Ramal de General Obligado al Norte---Compañía Francesa de los Ferrocarriles de la Provincia de Santa Fe, 1926.
History of railways in the Chaco, competition among railways, opposition of the State Railways and Dr. J. H. Quijano to construction of the branch to the North and the decree resolving the matter.

Centro de Cabotaje: Las tarifas diferenciales ferroviarias, 1916.
Petition and decisions regarding Entre Ríos Railways' competition with Argentine Navigation Co. Ltd., 1909-16.

Humphrey Chamberlain, Transport of Live-Stock on Railways, 1896.

Arthur H. Coleman: Shippers' fraudulent tricks.

S. Damus:

Wagon turn-around and mileage, Argentina compared with the USA.

¿Qué es una tonelada de carga? (What is a ton of freight?)
It is worth asking, seeing that not even the Director General of Railways knew the answer.

Tarifas parabólicas.
Scalabrini Ortiz omitted to tell readers about the origin and scope of the Central Argentine Railway's new freight rates.

Adolfo R. del Priore: Características y funcionamiento de Villa María Gravitación (F.C.C.A.), 1940.
On characteristics and working of Villa Maria Hump Yard, Central Argentine Railway

K. N. Eckhard: A Quarter Century of Suburban Electric Traction on the Central Argentine Railway: What of the Future?, 1941.

Ariodante Giovacchini, Informe de la Comisión Técnica sobre el Ferrocarril Entre Ríos, 1921.
Ariodante Giovacchini, La situación financiera del Ferrocarril Nordeste Argentino, Informe de la comisión revisora de tarifas, 1921.
Reports by committees appointed by Government to study rates and fares, minutes of meetings approving the reports, and decrees authorizing tariff increases.

P. Goddard: Traffic Control, Central Argentine Railway, 1928.
History of methods of train and wagon control.

H. H. Grindley, F. Rapley, et al., The Speed Factor in Rail Transport, 1945.
Papers and discussion at a symposium held at Buenos Aires.

W. C. Holland: Argentine Railway Rates and Fares, 1929.

Instituto de Estudios Económicos del Transporte: Railway rate comparisons, 1936.
Compared the Argentine with those of other countries, based on data from the Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer.

Juan Bautista Justo, Extracs from the Report by the Committee Investigating Trusts, 1918.
Witness depositions about railway rates.

Julio Labarthe: Relación entre el tráfico y tren rodante, 1910.
On how to determine the number of wagons needed to serve the expected traffic.

Alejandro Lértora, The Railways and Livestock Transportation, 1925.
Analysis of conditions, cost of and revenue from livestock in reply to demand for rate reductions by Argentine Rural Society.

Ronald Leslie, Argentine Transport Problems, 1929.
About level crossings, ticket collection, delays in transport, wagon supply, control of stores, and competition from road transport.

C. P. Lumb, Rules for transport of passengers, parcels, goods, telegrams, timetable, etc., on the East Argentine Railway, 1874.

Notable Central Argentine Railway Speed Records.
More than 100 km.p.h. in 1926 and 116 km.p.h. in 1940.

R. M. Ortiz, El caso de la concesión Compagno Hnos., 1927.
Government opposition to an invasion of the State Railways' "zone of influence".

Paul Paissaud: Difficultés d'exploitation, 1946.
Confidential memorandum on political and labour troubles, scarce and low-quality fuel, lack of spare parts.

Howard E. Pheasant:

Accelerated Goods Service by the Pacific Railway, 1941.
Utilización de vagones, 1938.
On wagon control with emphasis on Pacific Railway practice and special case of petroleum tank wagons.
Los coches motores, 1939.
On commercial motives for railcars and financial result of their introduction by the Pacific Railway.
Ezequiel Ramos Mexía: The Financial and Juridical Situation of the Railway Companies, 1921.
English versions of articles critical of the Irigoyen government's tariff policy, published by the author in La Nación.

Frederick Rapley et al.: El factor velocidad en el transporte ferroviario, 1945.

Emilio Rebuelto: Las rebajas de tarifas en relación con los aumentos del tráfico, 1927.
Exploded fallacious argument in support of rate reductions.

William Roegind: The Suburban Traffic of Buenos Aires, 1926.

Ricardo E. Sánchez: Aprovechamiento de los vagones en el Ferrocarril Central Norte Argentino, 1944.
Analysis of time spent in wagon rotation: running, parked, in repairs, etc.

A. Schneidewind: Report on the request by the Chamber of Commerce of Mendoza and their complaint about excessive railway rates, 1894.

Henry R. Stones:

Cattle and Sheep Traffic on Argentine Railways, 1933.
Grain Traffic on Argentine Railways, 1940.
Extent of the traffic, its organisation and methods of handling cattle and grain.
The Question of Wagon Shortage and the Harvest, 1936.
As usual, it was not a question of railway wagons but of deficiencies at the ports.
Text of an agreement "as to Territorial Zones and other Matters" such as joint rate division and curbs on competition between BAGS, BBNW, BAP, AGW, and BAW railways.

Government Intervention in Railway Rates and Fares - 1921-22 (appx. 41 pages).
Government Intervention in Rates and Fares of the Buenos Ayres Great Southern and Central Argentine railways - 1928 (appx. 53 pages).
Reports and documents on conflicts between Government and railway companies about rates and fares. Can be read as the origin of policies followed in subsequent years and with worse results especially after the last, post-war nationalizations.

Response of the railway companies to President Irigoyen on the subject of transport of farm products - 1928.
A reply to several points raised by the President soon after taking office.

Robert H. F. Stuart: Report on the North-West Argentine Railway, General Description of the Line, 1890.
Report on the construction and traffic of the railway, and industries it served.

Railway officials' Tours to North America,
undertaken to study handling of grain and cattle, operating methods, workshops, etc.

C. F. Bulstrode Whitlock: Telephone Train Control in Argentina, 1926.
Spurred by restrictive labour regulations, it put the country ahead of any other in the world, outside the U.S. and Canada.

Secret rebates:

Francisco Sisqué to René R. de Tilly, 1937;
Letter to vice-president of the Rosario to Puerto Belgrano Railway with appended report by Dante Ardigó (National Railways Board) objecting to rebates by the B. A. Western Rly., and reply by James Calder Angel, legal representative of the railway.
Germain Meuton to René R. de Tilly, 1939.
Letter to the vice-president of the Rosario to Puerto Belgrano Railway giving the history and reasons for the rebates and tabulating the amounts involved.
Revenue Pooling: Compagnie Générale de B.A., Buenos Aires to Paris, 1940.
Report sent to Paris outlining history and reasons for revenue pools, and providing the financial results from various such pools.
Ferruccio Zangarini, Deberes, Trabajo y Responsabilidades de los Jefes de Estación, 1912.


The Southern Railway's Banfield Shops in 1916.
Visit to Tafi Viejo Works, Argentine State Railways, 1923.
Visit to Riachuelo Works, Compagnie Générale de Chemins de Fer dans la Province de Buenos Ayres, 1924.

Buenos Aires & Pacific Railway Company's Workshops at Junin, 1894, 1925 and 1941.
Views of new railway workshops.

H. G. Beckwith:

Locomotive Boiler Repairs on the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, 1930.
Detailed analyses of boiler feed waters and of boiler repairs.
Railway Workshops Organisation, 1933.
Railway Railway Engineering Workshops - Their Relationship to Railway Operation, 1938.
A. H. Black: A Review of Tool Room Practice on an Argentine Railway, 1935
Development of tools and material used in repairs and manufacture of spare parts in Pacific Railway workshops.

Thomas Clayton:

Systems of Paying for Work, 1929
On piece-work at the Gorton Works, its necessity and disadvantages.

Wagon Repairing by the Central Argentine Railway, 1930
Design and operation of workshops; tools and materials employed and manufactured.

Notes on the Design of Wagons for Broad Gauge Railways in Argentina, 1939
About details and reasons of freight car designs and maintenance.

Frank Eastwood: Workshop Gadgets in Railway Shops, 1946.
On apparatus and tools employed and produced for replacement and manufacture of spare parts.

K. N. Eckhard: The Maintenance of the Electric Rolling Stock of the Central Argentine Railway, 1922.
Description of rolling stock, the workshops for its maintenance, the workshops' organisation, work-scheduling.

C. R. Gabb: Locomotive Repair Shop Organisation, 1921.
Organisation, remuneration of labour, drawing office, costing and statistics at Liniers.

Augusto Krause Arnim: Los laboratorios de ensayo de los Ferrocarriles del Estado Argentino, 1925.
Scope of the work of new test labs and dynamometer car.

A. J. Lee: Present-day Designs of Locomotives and Rolling Stock, 1932.
Some keywords: roller bearings, automatic stokers, aluminium, Caprotti valve gear, Kylchap exhaust, Diesel traction, staggered joints.

Patrick J. Murphy: Notes on Railway Wagon Maintenance, 1940.
On organisation and cost of maintenance, hotboxes and bogies of the BAPR.

D. S. Purdom: Argentine Railway Workshops in War Time, 1941.
On the works at Remedios de Escalada, Liniers and Bahia Blanca in face of exchange control and financial stringency.

C. W. Ridge: The Behaviour of Railway Material in the Argentine Republic, 1931.

F. Smith: Smithy Practices of an Argentine Locomotive Repair Shop, 1931.
Detailed and profusely illustrated description of the Smithy at the Gorton Works, Central Argentine Railway, and of the parts it produced and their labour-cost.


Biographical Sketches and obituaries of railway personalities; extracts from church records, and lists of volunteers who served in both World Wars.

Employment, wages, and salaries of Western Railway staff and workers by Budget Law of 1870.
Detailed staffing and remunerations by department, station, workshop, shed, etc.

Chemin de fer de Rosario à Puerto-Belgrano: Permanent staff as of 30 June, 1914 and 1940
Listed by name, nationality, age, profession, date of first employment and wages.

Listing of directors abroad and management staff in Argentina during most years from 1892 to 1965.

Employment Contract with the Central Argentine Railway.
In the form used for employment of British subjects stationed in the Argentine.

South American Centre of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers --- Membership lists and 22nd AGM, 1943.
Report of the Hon. Secretary and list of volunteers with H.M. Forces. Includes the registers of members in 1926, 1963.

Sixty years of strike activity
Notes about strikes from 1887 to 1951, their causes and results, the attitudes of employers and Government.

Anon.: Argentine Railways Solve Housing Problems, 1944.

Juan Bialet Massé, Informe sobre el estado de las clases obreras en el interior de la República Argentina, 1904.
A classic on wages and working conditions, extracting those of government and private railways.

Guy Bourdé: L'État patron et les luttes des cheminots en Argentine (1947-1967), 1982.
On the plight of railwaymen under Perón, Frondizi and Onganía.

Henri Chanourdie: Note to Ministry of Public Works regarding Wage Cuts, 1934.
Reply to union demands leading up to Presidential Award.

Jules Emile Comble: Deux lettres à Georges Verstraete, 1937.
Confidential letters on the management, lack of discipline and incompetence of the staff and employees of the railway from Rosario to Puerto Belgrano.

Arthur H. Coleman: the Free Labour Society.

Joel Horowitz: Los trabajadores ferroviarios en la Argentina (1920-1943). La formación de una elite obrera, 1985.
About railway unions, their social work and relations with other labour unions.

Alejandro F. Lértora, The Buenos Aires Western Railway and the Remuneration of its Personnel, 1925.
Note to Government regarding labour policies and other pressures on railways.

Ezequiel Ramos Mexía: Salaries and Tariffs, 1928.
Excess profits could vanish by payment of higher wages before Government could order tariff reductions following the Mitre Law. Therefore, the author derived from the rate regulation under the Mitre Law an obligation of Government to adjust wages to tariffs and vice versa. Read it as a precursor of wage and tariff policies followed since 1931 and continued after railway nationalization.

Text of the Presidential Award of 1934.
By which wage cuts were turned into credits to the companies due to be returned before any payment of dividend to holders of preference shares.

René Berger on criteria for selection of Legal Representative and appreciation of those acting in 1934.

Railwaymen's wages, 1942.
Management's reply to a note by one of the unions.

Brief sent by the Companies to President Farrell, April 12th, 1944.
Taking issue with assertions made in petition presented by railwaymen in rally on Plaza de Mayo, March 20th, 1944.

Note sent by the Companies to President Farrell, July 31st, 1944.
Protesting decree allocating part of tariff increases granted in 1942 to Perón's Department of Labour.

Changes to railwaymen's pensions, 1935.

The Critical Situation of the Railway Pensions Fund, 1942.

Regulation of the Functions, Career and Examination of Locomotive Inspectors, 1969.

Members of the Overseas-Club resident in Argentina, 1920.
Fellows of the Royal Colonial Institute resident in Argentina, 1916.

Shareholder Lists:
Argentine Great Western Railway, 1887;
Argentine North Eastern Railway, 1888;
Argentine Railway Concessions and Land Company, 1907;
Bahia Blanca North Western Railway, 1890;
Buenos Ayres & Pacific Railway, 1883 and 1893;
Buenos Ayres & Rosario Railway, 1884;
Buenos Ayres & San Fernando Railway, 1861;
Buenos Ayres, Ensenada & South Coast Railway, 1889;
Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, 1863, 1867 and 1877;
Buenos Ayres to Campana Railway, 1874;
Buenos Ayres Western Railway, 1890;
Central Argentine Railway, 1865 and 1881;
Central Argentine Andine Extensions Co., 1890.
Central Argentine Land Company, 1870;
Central Railway of Chubut, 1901, 1906 and 1947.
Compagnie du Chemin de Fer de Rosario à Puerto-Belgrano, 1906;
Compagnie Générale de Chemins de Fer dans la Province de Buenos-Ayres, 1905;
Cordoba & Rosario Railway, 1894;
Cordova and North Western Railway, 1896, 1907
Cordoba Central Buenos Ayres Extension Railway, 1905, 1906 and 1912;
East Argentine Railway, 1871;
Entre Rios Railways Company, 1892;
Northern Railway of Buenos Ayres, 1863;
North West Argentine Railway, 1888;
Port Argentine Great Central Railways, 1911;
Santa Fe & Cordoba Great Southern Land Co., 1889;
Santa Fe & Cordoba Great Southern Railway, 1888;
Numbers of railway share and debenture holders in 1936 and 1947;
London & River Plate Bank, 1876, 1878 and 1880;
Mercantile Bank of the River Plate, 1873 and 1877;
Chubut Company, 1891, 1896, 1901 and 1904.


Railway amalgamation and the new Retiro station.
News and comments in the Review of the River Plate relating to postponed projects.

Anonymous: The Central Station of Buenos Aires, 1971.
Brief history and illustrated description, augmented by notes added to the text that take the story up to 1939.

Anonymous: Railway Management in Argentina, 1898.
About Government interference, a hostile press, grumbling public, and mortality of managers.

Anonymous: Argentine Railways and Sport, 1927.
Brief history of the clubs of the Central Argentine, Pacific, Cordoba Central, Southern and Western railways.

Anonymous: On the 75th Anniversary of service from Buenos Aires to Chascomús, 1941.

Anonymous: On the 57th Anniversary of service from Buenos Aires to Rosario, 1944.

Argentine Great Western Railway Company's agreements with Juan Eduardo Clark and Mateo Clark of 8 June and 30 June 1887.

Buenos Ayres & Pacific Railway Agreements for:

Lease of the Bahia Blanca & North Western Railway, 1904.
Sale of the Patagones Branch, 1921.
Contract for construction of locomotives, 1896.
Contract of 1916 for construction and operation of a State Railway by the Entre Rios Railways Co.
Contracts of 1892 regarding the Buenos Ayres, Ensenada & South Coast Railway:
For construction of the Las Piedras Extension;
Modifying the Working Agreement;
For purchase of Rails and Fishplates;
For sub-contracting the construction
Contracts of 1890 regarding the Buenos Ayres Western Railway:
Between H. G. Anderson and Máximo Paz for sale and purchase of the Ferro-Carriles de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (aka Ferrocarril Oeste)
Between Alexander Henderson and the Buenos Ayres Western Railway Company for purchase and sale of the railway.
Between the Buenos Ayres Western Railway and the Buenos Ayres & Ensenada Port Railway for lease of the Line from Tolosa to Ferrari.
Between the Buenos Ayres Western Railway and the Central Argentine Railway for lease of the Lines North of Luján.
Between the Buenos Ayres Western Railway and the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway for lease of the Line from Merlo to Saladillo.
Setting terms of the above leases.
Conract between the Central Argentine Railwazy and the Northern Railway of Buenos Aires for Lease of the latter, 1888.

Contract of the Central Argentine Railway with Walter Woodgate & Co., 1890.

Contract between the Central Argentine Railway and the Government on irrigation works at Rio Tercero, 1911.

Contract between the Cordoba Central Railway and the Cordoba Central Buenos Ayres Extension Railway, 1905.

Contract of the Cordoba & Rosario Railway with J. G. Meiggs & Co., 1889.

Contracts with the National Government for the construction of lines from:

Añatuya to Tintina, 1902.
San Cristóbal to Santa Fe, 1904.

Henry Charles Allen,

Memoir of the late Frank Parish, preceded by a short Biographical Sketch of his Father, Sir Woodbine Parish, 1906.
British Railway Enterprise in Argentina, 1912.
William Singer Barclay: The First Transandine Railway, 1910.
On the geology, construction and operation of the railway.

Adrián Beccar Varela: De Retiro al Tigre: Recuerdos del Pasado, 1917.
Reminiscences of travel in 1868.

Thomas Brassey: Voyages and Travels of Lord Brassey: The River Plate, 1895. Extract from chapter about his visit in 1876.

Ronald Bridgett: Report on the Condition of Railways in the Argentine Republic, 1890.
Foreign Office, Miscellaneous Series, No. 186, December 1890.

British Settlers in Fraile Muerto: Petition of 1866.

Oliver Budge: Entre Rios Central Railway and Extensions, Report on the Lines, July 1891.
Report to the Bondholders' Committee on the condition, equipment, traffic and tariffs of the line.

Frank G. Carpenter: Chances for Americans in the Great Southern Republic, 1899.

Central Argentine Railway: A Short History of the Central Argentine Railway, 1922.

Cordoba Central Railway: A Short History of the Cordoba Central Railway, 1921.

Edwin Clark: The Great Storm of May, 1877, 1878.

J. E. & M. Clark & Co., The Transandine Railway, July 1892.
Concessions of the Pacific and Transandine railways; reasons for the choice of the Uspallata Pass for a route from London to Australia.

Clark Brothers: Texts of Argentine and Chilean concessions, and memorandum to the President of Chile dated 1877.

Confederate Government: laws and decrees relating to the business of José de Buschenthal,
extracted from the Registro Nacional, 1853-1861.

Bertram W. Currie: Recollections, letters and journals of his time with Manuelita Rosas.

S. Damus: The Central Argentine Railway and the Economic Development of Argentina, 1854-1881, 1978.
Assessment of the initial impact of the railway on economic development; proof that traffic in Cordoba was minimal, its development delayed at least 15 years by problems with the execution of the original land grant.

P. N. Davies, Business Success and the Role of Chance: The Extraordinary Philipps Brothers, 1981.
How a barge explosion in London propelled the careers of the chairman of the B.A. & Pacific Ry. and his brothers.

J. C. J. Drucker: Statement in praise of Argentine railway management, 1908.
made at a meeting of shareholders in an English railway.

Julian S. Duncan, British Railways in Argentina, 1937. Advocated industrialisation and land reform as a way out of the crisis.

W. H. Dyke, A Railway in Argentina, 1898.
Description of the Buenos Ayres & Rosario Railway, and of travel by it to Tucuman.

J. M. Eddy and Lord Forres: Lunch at British Chamber of Commerce, 1943

Entre Rios Railways: Agreements with Stanley Carr Boulter and River Plate, Trust, Loan & Agency O., 1891.

John Fair: Notes on my Earlier Connection With the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway, 1899.
About how John Fair assembled a group of Buenos Ayrean merchants and landowners that saved the railway project from imminent failure.

Financial Times: Who Owns Argentine Railways?,
A special analysis from official records, 1947.

Robert Fitz Roy: Railway Across the Andes, 1856 y 1860.

Lord Forres to Hugh Dalton, 14 June 1944.
On rolling stock laid up for lack of spares with reply by the British Minister of Production.

Nereo Giménez Melo: Indictment of State Railways officials (including Arturo Acevedo, future Minister of Public Works), 1928.
Irregularities in dealings with Weisburd & Co. in construction of a branch line and purchase of wood.

J. H. Gybbon-Spilsbury, His journeys to Tucumán, Chilecito, Mendoza, Bahía Blanca, 1876-1880.

J. H. Gybbon-Spilsbury, A few Notes on the Cordoba and Tucuman railway, 1878.

Sir David Kelly: The Ruling Few (selected chapters), 1952.

W. D. V. O. King: The Mendoza River Flood, 1934.
On the flash flood that destroyed the Transandine Railway.

Colin Lewis: Percival Farquhar and the Argentine Railways, 1912-14, 1968.
About the failed attempt to put several Argentine railways under American control. With notes supplementing the history to 1948 collected by S. Damus.

Colin Lewis: Problems of Railway Development in Argentina, 1857-1890, 1968.
Interesting use of archival material developed into a doctoral dissertation.

Generals Royal B. Lord and Juan Perón, 1947-1948.

Rolt Hammond: An Engineer Looks at Argentina, 1946
Classification of grain, elevators, meat packing, railway electrification, railcars, ferry-boats, airports, earthquake-proof construction, Los Sauces dam.

Simon G. Hanson: The Farquhar Syndicate in South America, 1937.

Atanasio Iturbe: Algunas leyendas sobre los ferrocarriles, 1928.
On some legends, such as the keeping of two sets of books.

Maurice Lanternier, Souvenirs d'un voyage en 1910.
On the survey of a line to the Pilcomayo for the Cie. française de chemins de fer de la Province de Santa-Fé

Alfredo Mascaro, El Ferrocarril Provincial de Buenos Aires, 1936.
Text of and comment on the law of 1937 for sale or lease of the provincial railway.

M. G. & E. T. Mulhall: Railway Routes in 1869, 1885 and 1892.
Descriptions given in their Handbook of the River Plate of train travel, hotels and meals with the history, population and commerce of towns served by the railways.

Jorge Navarrio Viola, Centenary of the The Strangers' Club, 1941.

Woodbine Parish: Impressions of a "Patriotic Bigamist", 1930.
An Argentine-born railway director takes on xenophobic nationalism.

M. Paz, Message of the Executive Power, January 1889.
Recommending to the Legislature the sale of the provincial railway.

Fernando Peña: El ferrocarril a Córdoba y la unidad nacional, 1945.
Excellent history of the origins of the railway project.

John Poole:

Aniversario del primer ferrocarril argentino, 1937.
The War and the Argentine Railways, 1943.
Having followed the Great Depression, the Second War had far more serious consequences on the railways than the First, and "the future outlook is decidedly grim."

The Development of the Argentine Railway System, some Historical Antecedents, 1944.
Brief summary of the growth of the railway network and its rate of return, with comparisons between State and private, domestic and foreign.

The Former Central Córdoba Railway After Six Years of State Railway Administration, With Some Notes on the Argentine State Railway Workshops, 1945.
Mr. Poole, a forceful discussant at engineering meetings and confessing to "the usual British engineer's rather hidebound views on State Railways," returned from a tour of Tafi Viejo and Alta Cordoba impressed by the high technical and administrative standard of the State Railways and the skill with which the Cordoba Central was absorbed under adverse conditions, and concluded his report recommending further nationalisations.

International Railway Communications, Present Connections and Possible Future Routes, 1945.
How the Argentine Railways Have Pulled Through the War Period, 1945.
The Re-arrangement of the Argentine Railways, 1948.
Railway Gauges in Argentina, concerning Unification and International Connections, 1948.
The Transport of Río Turbio Coal, 1950.
Ezequiel Ramos Mexía:
Speech at farewell banquet offered to Mr. Loveday, 1910.
Gave opinions of the Minister of Public Works on freight rates, railway competition, and foreign investment. Also clarified who was the purchaser and who was purchased in the amalgamation of the Central and Rosario railways.
Argentine Railway Policy, 1916.
Mis Memorias, 1936 (excerpts).

Emilio Rebuelto: Guillermo Wheelwright y las comunicaciones trasandinas, 1933.

Michael Robbins: The Balaklava Railway, A Footnote (John Poole's comments on the La Porteña myth), Journal of Transport History, Vols. I and II, 1953 and 1955.
The truth about the first Argentine locomotive alleged to have been surplus material from the Crimean War.

M. F. Ryan to J. A. Goudge, 28 February 1944.
With warnings about Argentine political trend.

Arthur E. Shaw, extracts from his Forty Years in the Argentine Republic, 1907.
Arthur Shaw's career began as a lad in construction of the Central Argentine Ry. Later he was manager of the Northern and Ensenada Railways.The file contains extracts of the book by "a man [who] ought to empty his head into it and tell the truth about everybody and everything concerned" (page 208).

Pedro Skupch: Nacionalización, libras bloqueadas y sustitución de importaciones, 1972.
U.K. and U.S. trade and exchange policies required that Argentine railways be nationalized. The Perón government had little choice in the matter.

H. R. Stones, Centenary of the First Railway in Argentina, 1957.

C. G. Trillia, Notes on line C3 (Añatuya to the North) and its branches, 1911-1928.

David Wainwright: Alexander Henderson and his brothers, 1985.
On the Henderson brothers: Alexander Henderson, stock broker and financier; Frank Henderson, railway manager; and Brodie Henderson, consulting engineer.

Woodrow Wilson's Latin American policy, 1913.
Text of speech, 27 October, 1913, extending the Monroe Doctrine to the financial arena, with correspondence from the Secretary of State, the Under-Secretary, the US Ambassador to Great Britain, and reaction at a meeting of shareholders, Buenos Ayres & Pacific Railway.

George Woolcott (ed.): Letters Concerning the Country of the River Plate Being Suitable for Emigrants and Capitalists to Settle in, Central Argentine Railway Co., Ltd., 1869.
A collection of letters for and against settlement of British emigrants in the River Plate, by some who had been there.

The Railway Times: The Argentine Railway Amalgamation, 1913.
On the failure of the amalgamation of the Southern and Western railways.

University of Liverpool, its Argentine Investments in 1930.

Argentine Railway Nationalisation: Notes from the British Press and Company Reports, 1906 to 1951.
Gives a blow-by-blow account and commentary of a long process leading to nationalisation requested by the UK in part to comply with US demands and exploited by the Argentine.

Hasenkamp Branch Expropriation: texts of Court judgments.

From British Archives:

Malcolm Robertson: Telegrams Buenos Aires to Foreign Office on President Irigoyen's wish for British support to stop sale of British-owned railways to American interests.
First plan for the formation of a mixed enterpise, 1938.

Correspondence on nationalisation before and after it occurred, 1940 to 1957:
Failed exchange of railways for surplus maize, 1940.
British Government's purchase of railways for re-sale to four U.S. companies, 1941.

British proposals for a mixed enterprise operating the four broad-gauge lines, 1943-1944.
Foreign Office files on discussion in London of the above report, 1944.

Jorge Antonio's visit to London to form British group to manage reorganised railways, 1955.

High level talks and correspondence on British re-equipment of Argentine Railways, 1955.

Relations with Argentina in 1943-44: opinions of Colonel Russell and Evelyn Shuckburgh.

US Ambassador Messersmith (Bs As) to W L Clayton (Washington), 1946.

René Berger and Paul Paissaud on danger to the Cie. Générale following State Railways expansion by nationalisation, 1935 a 1938.

Presidents Agustín P. Justo and M. Ortiz:

Message to Congress urging approval of the nationalisation of the Cordoba Central Railway, 28 December, 1936.
Messages to Congress urging approval of the nationalisation of the Cordoba Central Railway, 11 February and 17 May 1938.
Arturo Noni: Report on railway nationalisation and valuation of all private companies, 1940.

C. E. W. Duley: Argentine Railways: the Trend Towards State Ownership, 1941.
About plans instigated by the companies themselves.

The Railway Gazette: Anglo-Argentine Railways and Nationalisation, 1944.

Messrs Drayton, Eddy and Lord Forres: British Argentine Railways, Report of Visiting Directors, October, 1943-February 1944, Parts I and II.
The first part presents and comments on proposals and counter-proposals for a mixed enterprise; the second part presents investments needed after the Second World War.
Foreign Office files on discussion in London of the above report, 1944.

Lewis Reynolds, Argentine Railroads, 1945.
Misleading but possibly influential report by Wall Street Journal special correspondent not qualified to write about railways, Argentine or American.

Internal correspondence with chronology of negotiations for sale of French-owned railways.

Text of the agreement to purchase French-owned railways, 1946.

Arturo Frondizi: Resolutions and speech in Chamber of Deputies, 1946
In opposition to a mixed company but demanding nationalisation he said: "Finally, we do not want that the country supply capital nor allow rate increases to modernise the railways."

Calvet to Eady, 946.
From French Embassy, London, to the negotiator of the Mixed Enterprise.

Text of Miranda-Eady Agreement, 1946, Peróns speech about it, and the reaction in the UK Parliament.

British-Owned Railways, Local Boards: Text of the Purchase-Sale Agreement signed 13th February, 1947.

Results of polls taken at meetings of bond and share holders called in July 1947 to approve the sale of the railways --- analysed in a spreadsheet.

Text of the Andes Agreement and reaction thereto, 1948.

Text of Scheme of Arrangement among British-owned Companies as approved by the Court, 1947.

Railway Purchase Settlement: British-Argentine Railway Council's Statement, 1947.
Liquidation of British-owned railways, 1947-1955.
Agreement to Purchase the Buenos Ayres Central Railway, 1949.
Sale of surplus lands, 1950
Employment and Pensions of British Staff, 1949-1951.
Text of Agreement for cancellation of oustanding reciprocal claims of Argentine Government and British Companies in liquidation, 10 June 1952.

The Railways of Argentina, 1949.
About the early days in transition to government ownership of nationalised railways. Regrouping, hidden fare increases. Abolition of the Clearing Office that distorted revenue accounts and ruined traffic statistics.

Senate, 10th Session, Summons of the Minister of Public Works, June 22 and 23, 1961.
Regarding the unconstitutionality of Decree No. 4,061 of 1961 ordering railway restructuring. Summons of Mr. Arturo Acevedo, the Minister of Public Works and Services. Complete text of the proceedings in two files, one for each meeting.


Anonymous: Railway Economics, 1952.
Grappled with statistical blackout and discovered that real wages of railwaymen had not improved.

UK and U S exports of railway material
Details of 19 types of material, equipment and parts, by quantity, value, and unit value, in total and in amounts sent to the Argentine, and in proportion of the total sent to the Argentine --- tabulated in a spreadsheet.

Fernando J. Andrés, La contaduría del Ferrocarril Central Argentino, 1932.
On the Central Argentine Railway's accounting tasks and systems.

W. Eric Bach, El uso de máquinas tabuladoras en un ferrocarril, 1937.
Punched card processing for detailed statistical analyses.

H. A. Bromberger, Les chemins de fer exotiques, 1913.
The Port Argentine Great Central Railway, the Railway from Rosario to Puerto Belgrano, and the Argentine Union Railway.

John Montague Eddy, Presente y futuro de los ferrocarriles argentinos, 1944.

Herbert Gibson, Comparisons of Argentine with Australian and New Zealand Railway Freights, 1902.
Foreign-owned railways of Argentina charged less than Government-owned railways in the Colonies.

Robert René Kuczynski: Freight-Rates on Argentine and North American Wheat, 1902.
Found Argentine railway rates to be comparatively low even though, unlike American railways, the Argentine had to import their fuel and materials. Moreover, the reader will find that Argentine rates were more transparent and stable.

Manuel Pérez del Cerro: Examen de las cuentas del Ferro-Carril del Sud, 1868.
Report on the very first audit of guaranteed railway accounts by an Argentine government office.

Ezequiel Ramos Mexía: Capital of Argentine Railways Under Existing Legislation, 1928.
Reviewed the history and interpretation of the Mitre Law and pointed out remaining lacunae.

Recognition of capital, 1919.

Honorary Commission Appointed to Investigate the Economic and Financial Situation of the Argentine Railways, Report, Conclusions and Recommendations, 1935
The analysis and several recommendations are the origin of measures adopted in the 1960s and later.

Teodoro Morsbach, Estudios económicos sobre el Sud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 1888.
Describes the town and port of Bahia Blanca and the agricultural colonies along the Southern Railway's new extension to Bahia Blanca.

S. Damus:

An evaluation of alternative transport pricing rules: Argentine Railways ca. 1905.
Analysis of actual and alternative tariffs and evaluation of their actual and potential contributions to general welfare.

The Two-Part Tariff as a Profit Maximising Pricing Structure, 1977.
Mathematical derivation of the operating coefficient assumed in railway concession laws and rebates for government traffic.

Argentine Freight Rates and Export Taxes on agricultural products, 1925.
Compares Central and Southern railway freights with export taxes.

La planeación ferroviaria en la Argentina,1966.
Criticism of foreign and domestic technical assistance to the railways that ignored the demand side and the existing potential for deficit reduction by rate increases.

Estimación de la demanda de transporte ferroviario en la Argentina, 1967.
Statistical analysis of the positive effect of rate increases on gross revenue using unpublished data of wagon orders in excess of railway capacity to fill them.

Rail Transport Economics and Fallacies, 1966.
An estimate by simple example of how much more railways could have charged to eliminate their deficit.

Railway Planning: Confused Economists, 1966.
Used evidence provided by the Larkin Plan to show that the public prefers rail to road transport and yet policy-makers did not see the opportunity to raise rates and the need to invest in increased railway capacity.

Realistic Appraisal of Argentine Railway Economics, 1967.
Estimate of wealth created in supply of railway services worth more than the revenue artificially depressed by unnecessarily low rates and fares

Argentine Railways: How Inefficient Are They?, 1967.
Showed that failure to authorize sufficient and feasible increases in rates and fares was the principal cause of operating losses.

The Productivity of Argentine Railway Inputs: 1920-1968.
Statistical study of the productivity of railway labour, capital and fuel with estimates of optimum output and employment levels. Results contrary to public opinion supported by showing that Perón was forced to buy the railways and that Perón originated the idea of surplus railway workers to stop opposition by railway labour unions.

Cost Analysis for the World Bank: The Case of Argentine Railways, unpublished, 1970.

Frank Dudley Docker, Follet Holt, et. al.: Correspondence on Tied Loans, 1914.

George Jackson Eder: International Competition in the Trade of Argentina, 1931.
A US Department of Commerce study of Anglo-American rivalry containing undocumented assertions that fueled or echoed nationalist, anti-British propaganda. The author's allegations are exploded in supplementary notes.

C. R. S. Harris: Ten Years of Argentine Railway Working, 1939.
Road competition, exchange controls and the working results.

Alexander Henderson et el., British Interests in Argentina, 1932.
Lobbying Walter Runciman, Board of Trade, seeking special treatment of Anglo-Argentine trade.

Henry Stanley Ferns: A Revolutionary Proposal, 1967.
Invited discussion of a dismissal of all railwaymen and auction of railways for scrap value.

Local Boards of Railways: The Economic Plight of the Railway Companies, 1942.
Local Boards of Railways: Situación de las empresas de ferrocarriles, 1943.
Ronald Leslie: Speech at British Chamber of Commerce, 1936.

Ministry of Transport: Rail Transport Tale of Woe, 1955.
Official statement made after the fall of Perón on the critical condition of the railways from the economic, financial, technical and operational points of view.

Mervyn Ryan: We'll buy your Manufactures if you'll buy our Meat, 1934.
Speaking to British Ambassador at Engineering Societies dinner.

State Railways: Inability to account for investment expenditure, 1942.
Because documentation was lost, deteriorated or misplaced.

U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Abuses and Deficiencies of Investment Trusts, 1940.
Excerpts concerning financing and re-structuring of Buenos Aires Terminal & Railway Co.

Juan F. Vercellana, Régimen contable del Ferrocarril Central Argentino, 1940.
The author, officer of the Financial Control Section of the National Railways Board, found that "the accounts can be accepted without scruples as trustworthy."

Agricultural development:
Anonymous, Agricultural Light Railways in the Argentine, 1923.
About those of the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway at Balcarce, Orense, Copetonas and Cascallares.

Anonymous: From rails sprang the farmlands, 1971.
Brief history of agricultural extension work by railway companies.

Anonymous: The experimental farm at Bordenave, 1942.

Pedro del Carril, Ambulant Seed Selection Equipment of the Compagnie Générale, 1937.

Anonymous: Development of fruit growing by the Argentine North Eastern Railway, 1939.
Anonymous: Development of fruit growing --- Enterprise of the Southern and Western railways, 1939.
Anonymous: The Pacific Railway's contribution to development of fruit growing, 1939, 1942.

Hugo Miatello: La enseñanza agrícola ambulante y los ferrocarriles, 1917.
On employment of special trains for agricultural extension work.

Hugo Miatello jr.: Apple growing in the province of Córdoba, 1939.

Fred A. Motz: Transport and cold storage of Argentine fruit, 1942.

Kingsland Smith: Wheat and Flour Production in Argentina, 1896.

Various: The Argentine Fruit Distibutors Company

Passenger train timetables: These are 1,491 files taking 270 Mb.

Winter 1884, complete
Winter 1885, of the Western Railway of Buenos Aires
Winter 1886, of the BAR, CAR, Santa Fe Colonies and Santa Fe Western, and connections with State Rys. to Tucumán and San Juan;
1894: Southern, Western, SF & Cba. Gt. Sou., North-Eastern, North-Western, and suburban of B.A. & Rosario and Central;
Summer 1910/11, for all common carrier railways in service;
1913, first timetables of the rys. towards Nahuel Huapi Lake and Avia Terai;
Summer 1929/30, for most common carrier railways in service;
Winter 1939, all State Rys. (from the Bolivian Frontier to Patagonia including the former Cordoba Central);
Summer 1960, national railways.

Working timetables: A close study of these may show how service quantity and quality changed to serve increased traffic in spite of deteriorating track and bridges.


Some anecdotes.
Arthur H. Coleman: The Gaucho as I knew him. (in Spanish)
Two poems by Lynette Roberts.
"Fulana Detal": Autobiography of a Concession.
"Cuts by the Score" 1954 parody on British branch line and station closures.
Some Thoughts on Queueing
Is it Argentine, Argentinean or Argentinian?
Pictures and diagrams

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