A spreadsheet of approximately 2,248 KB contains the data published in:

1. Ministerio de Transportes de la Nación, Dirección de Estudios Técnico-Económicos y Estadística, Estadística de los Ferrocarriles en Explotación, Síntesis para los Años 1946 a 1952, Buenos Aires: Servicio de Biblioteca y Publicaciones de Transportes, 1956.
2. Ministerio de Obras y Servicios Públicos, Secretaría de Transporte, Empresa Ferrocarriles del Estado Argentino, Servicio Central de Estadística e Investigaciones Técnico-Económicas, Síntesis Estadística de los Ferrocarriles en Explotación, Año 1955, Buenos Aires, 1958, 41 pages.
3. Ministerio de Obras y Servicios Públicos, Secretaría de Transporte, Empresa Ferrocarriles del Estado Argentino, Servicio Central de Estadística e Investigaciones Técnico-Económicas, Síntesis Estadística de los Ferrocarriles en Explotación, Año 1956, Buenos Aires, 1961, 128 pages.
4. Ministerio de Obras y Servicios Públicos, Secretaría de Transporte, Empresa Ferrocarriles del Estado Argentino, Servicio de Estadística y Planeamiento, Estadística de los Ferrocarriles en Explotación, Ejercicio 1957/58, Buenos Aires, 1963, 196 pages.
5. Ministry of Public Works and Services, Transportation Planning Group, A Long Range Transportation Plan for Argentina, Buenos Aires, 1962.

The data, augmented and corrected, take up at least 24 columns and 2,245 rows distributed over 32 spreadsheets in the following manner:

Sheet Contents Follow the links for more detailed description.
A Network length by province and territory
B Permanent way and works
C Stock of steam, electric and Diesel locomotives
D Description of Diesel locomotives acquired since 1929
E Coaching stock, including electric and Diesel railcars
F Description of railcars acquired since 1905
G Stock of luggage, parcels and goods brake vans
H Stock of goods and livestock wagons for public service
I Stock of carriages and wagons for company service
J Train mileage by type of train and traction
K Work performed by traction material (gross ton-miles)
L Vehicle mileage, by type of vehicle, service and traction
M Rolling stock utilisation
N Fuel and lubricant consumption
O Passenger traffic
P Goods and livestock traffic
Q Excess luggage, parcels and telegraph traffic
R Operating revenues
S Operating expenses and losses
T Railway accidents
U Railway workshop outputs and employment
V Employment, salaries and wages of railwaymen
W Wages and salaries by collective agreements
X Passenger train reliability (late arrivals)
Y Wagon turn-around times (alternative capacity utilization measures)
Z Distribution of rolling stocks by type and age
AA Monthly passenger traffic
AB Monthly goods traffic
AC Monthly train mileage
AD Origin and destination of goods originating in 1959/60
AE Basic freight rates in 1960
AF Fare and rate increases between 1950 and 1960

Unpublished data: The denial of resources for railway operation --- be it by imposition of "political tariffs" or by failure to add to the capital --- has had the effect that the railways could not meet the growing demands for service so that, among other things, there were large numbers of unfilled wagon orders. The statistics kept in the administration of the wagon rationing system are offered in file MORA.XLS.

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